Witches and Sorcerers

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Catherine Madison: Catherine is the first witch featured in the show. Desperate to relive her glory days as a cheerleader, she swaps bodies with her daughter Amy in order to get on the Sunnydale High cheerleading squad. When she is discovered she tries to do a spell on Buffy for her soul to be taken, but Buffy reflects it back to her and to this day Catherine is trapped in the cheerleading trophy she had won for the school.

Amy Madison: Amy starts out as a 'good' witch although some of her spells are a little iffy, especially love spells. In season 3 she turns herself into a rat and stays that way for 3 years, until Willow finally manages to reverse the spell. She then encourages Willow to use more magick and they both become addicted. During Willow's rehab, she refuses to have anything more to do with Amy and we dont see her again until the final season when she casts a spell on Willow, turning her into the man she murdered, Warren

Ethan Rayne: A sinister friend of Giles', Ethan's appearance in Sunnydale can only mean one thing.... Trouble! On his forst visit his worship of chaos causes everyone who hires costumes from his shop to turn into their costume character. His second visit is a little more deadly for everyone when Eyghon turns up and Ethan tattoos the 'Mark of Eyghon' onto Buffy. Things dont get much better the final time we see him. While drinking with Giles, he casts a spell that turns Giles into a demon. Thankfully he is taken away by military police and we see no more of him!

The Bartender- 'Beer Bad': Although not technically a warlock himself, he used a spell from his brother in law to brew a potion that, when consumed turns the drinker into cave men. Although the cause of this, the bartender remained unpunished for hic crimes.

Rack: Rack is a dodgy dealer of black magicks, so dodgy in fact that he has to hide away from the main stream and only those beyond human consciousness can find him. Rack was Willow's 'suppier' when she bacame addicted to the magicks. He did warn Warren that Willow was after him and supplied him with some defensive magicks to try and fend her off.
His dealings soon backfired on him when Dark Willow arrived to get an extra magick boost after Tara's death. His arrogance and attitude evidently displeased Willow and she killed him, showing no remorse at his death.

The Monks:Not much is known about these three monks, only that they were the protectors of the mystical key, in an attempt to hide the key, after being discovered by Glory, they turned the key into a human and sent it to the slayer in the guise of a sister (Dawn), and met an untimely death at the hands of Glory.

Dark Willow:
Dark Willow came into being after Tara was shot by Warren (see 'The Trio'), the dark magycks took her over and she went to seek vengeance on Warren, finally catching up with him, she killed him and went to seek out the other two members of 'The Trio'. However she was prevented from killing these two when the Slayer and her watcher intervened, but Willow was to powerful for the both of them and after taking Giles' borrowed magycks she decided that the world and the people living in it were in to much pain and so she was going to destroy it, so she raised a satanic temple and using the effigy as a conduite, she set about trying to destroy the world. She was stopped at the last minute by Xander with the help of Giles' borrowed magycks, which were the true essence of magyck.

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