A Conversation for New York City, USA

STUMPED attack...

Post 161

soeasilyamused, or sea

oy vey.

[sea] allright. no healing for you.

*sea pushes NYC*

[sea] is fighting ALL you think about?!?!

STUMPED attack...

Post 162

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

[NYC] I'll have you know that I'm much more than just gore and violence...

[sea] oh, really now.

[NYC] it's true! I have to eat sometime... smiley - winkeye


[NYC] fine, fine. I only think of gore and violence when UH is around. you happy now?

[sea] it's a start.

STUMPED attack...

Post 163

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea mutters something about boys constantly wanting to fight/kill stuff/break stuff*

STUMPED attack...

Post 164

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

yeah, well I guess fire falls under the breaking stuff catagory

STUMPED attack...

Post 165

Uncle Heavy [sic]

seven posts. I rule. Surely something of a record?

*rears up and sinks teeth into NYC's thigh. Is rabid*

STUMPED attack...

Post 166

soeasilyamused, or sea

*coughs embarassedly*

STUMPED attack...

Post 167


*Meanwhile, in a last-ditch attempt to preserve some semblance of continuity, Affy's fighter droids have by this time surrounded the STUMPED building, and are charging it from every direction, taking the guards by a momentary surprise. From his base in the sewers, Affy watches these droids begin their assault, and sends the Version 1.4 to get ready. He examines the Version 1.7 that the worker droids just assembled (just like the v1.4, except with an added teleportation feature.)*

STUMPED attack...

Post 168

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*Yo's snipers start whittling the droids' numbers down, the guards fire wildly into the crowd of droids, and NYC frantically tries to pry off a rabid UH from his thigh*

STUMPED attack...

Post 169

soeasilyamused, or sea

*laughs hysterically at mental image*

STUMPED attack...

Post 170

soeasilyamused, or sea

*laughs hysterically at mental image*

STUMPED attack...

Post 171


*Laughs at the image of sniper bullets whittling down an entire army. Does his duty for continuity, and says that the first line of this first assault falls, causing a minor roadblock for the rest*

STUMPED attack...

Post 172

soeasilyamused, or sea

*actually, i was laughing at the idea of a rabid UH on NYC's thigh... but oh well*

STUMPED attack...

Post 173

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

You know, you COULD help...

STUMPED attack...

Post 174

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] uhhhh.... i don't want to risk rabies!

*NYC glowers at sea*

[sea] okay, okay!

*sea approaches NYC with a disgusted look on her face*

[sea] uhh... i don't know how to go about... i mean... er... *blush*

STUMPED attack...

Post 175


*A large number of robots have made it through, and have begun fighting the guards, smashing open windows and doors, scaling walls, etc. Meanwhile, Affy has sent out the second wave of droids*

STUMPED attack...

Post 176

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*one plunky little robot smashes a window and enters the 3rd floor of the STUMPED HQ, only to be instantly ripped apart by a ceiling-mounted machine gun. NYC would thank himself for thinking of this before-hand, if only UH weren't so rabid, and if only UH's teeth didn't hurt so much. More robots enter, more robots get torn apart. A couple black-suited and beret'd STUMPED grunts pop out on the roof and start pouring oil (not hot, mind you, just slippery) down the sides of the building. This would look rather silly, if STUMPED HQ weren't already jet black in the first place. More STUMPED grunts pop out the front entrance with flamethrowers, and proceed to ignite the sides of the building. Thanks to fireproofing and that all-useful cancer-causing fire repellent known as asbestos, STUMPED's heating bill is lessened to a great degree. (We'd do this all year round if it werent for prevailing winds in late spring and the fact that new recruits can't find ways into the building itself) The flamethrower-armed guards start firing into the second wave*

STUMPED attack...

Post 177


*...which is an amazing fit of continuity, for while the second wave *has* been sent, it hasn't reached the HQ. To save the day, some of them emerge, but thanks to the force fields (as mentioned in earlier posts), the bullets do no damage. Affy watches through the eyes of the robots the new defenses that STUMPED has set up, and implements the version 2.0: exactly like the yet-to-be-unleashed 1.7, but with special heat-resistant coating, and a slightly more powerful force field, just in case. This second wave of v1.3s flies towards the tower, fighting with their basic weaponry, force fields ablaze. The fly straight through the smashed windows, shunning the machine guns that have no effect*

STUMPED attack...

Post 178

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Engage with bravos, repeat engage with bravos

STUMPED attack...

Post 179

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*thinks, in the small part of UH that still can think*

STUMPED attack...

Post 180

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

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