A Conversation for The Rise and Rise of the Handbag


Post 1


What a smashing entry! Quirky subject matter, full of interesting little facts and entertaining too. Bravo! smiley - applause


Post 2

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Yep! First class stuff! smiley - bubbly

smiley - towel


Post 3

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Thank you both, it's great to get the feedback - make's it all worthwhile.smiley - ta

smiley - handbag

smiley - mouse


Post 4


Chewbacca?! I can see the headline now.. 'Wookie in bag shock!! Chewey says contents are vital!' Unlike my bag, which hold 'vital' things such as a billion receipts from at least 10 years ago, just in case..smiley - winkeye
Brill article as usual, Fizzymouse!smiley - applausesmiley - bubblysmiley - cheers


Post 5

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Thank you, and I bet Chewie is just like the rest of us and has a pile of rubbish in the bottom of his bag.smiley - laugh

smiley - mouse


Post 6


smiley - laughProbably!! I probably have more important things in there too, I just can't find 'em! (Mind you if they really were important, I'd make the effort to tidy my bag to find them!!) Maybe I will one day, when I get a spare decade.. Also, is it just me, or does anyone else out there think 'I'll get a smaller bag so I don't carry so much junk around' only to end up with several bags of junk?!smiley - huh


Post 7

Fizzymouse- no place like home

I carry a tiny bag which just about holds the necessities - in fact it doesn't quite hold the necessities, so .................... I bought a sort of bigger man bag type of courier bag - and now I have my handbag in a bigger bag which holds all the stuff that doesn't fit in my handbag.smiley - handbag If you see what I mean. smiley - erm

Perhaps I should consider therapy before I buy one of those trolley things to tow my little bag in my bigger bag.smiley - rofl

smiley - mouse


Post 8


smiley - laughI have a tote bag which I got as a freebie from the shopping centre in Ilford which contains.......
1. 4 (at least!) umbrellas.
2. 3 (at least!) magazines.
3. 1 large box of M&S Shortbread biccies (nearly finished)

And finally (drumroll please....)
The aforementioned small bag with all the receipts in!!! Not surprisingly the tote bag is beginning to split with all the rubbish I force it to carry!smiley - biggrin
I don't know about you needing to consider therapy, but I definitely do!!smiley - ermsmiley - laughsmiley - smiley


Post 9

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

Awesome entry! I'm usually not into girly stuff, but I read to the end of this entry with interest. Well done!


Post 10

Fizzymouse- no place like home

High praise indeed - thank you very much for stopping by to let me know.smiley - cheers and a macho type smiley - hug

smiley - mousesmiley - handbag

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