A Conversation for The Rise and Rise of the Handbag

And the winner is...

Post 1


Every year my sister and some friends and I have a contest to see who has the best packed purse. We make a list of things both common and uncommon and score points accordingly. I can honestly say that I am the 5-year running winner of the Mary Poppins Award for the best packed purse in the house. Thus named because you'd half expect the winner to come up with a lamp, a hatrack, and all manner of other impossible things. There was one year I had a set of jumper cables in there (just in case!)

And the winner is...

Post 2

Fizzymouse- no place like home

I am not worthy of your presence in this thread - 5 year winner and jump leads - I am but an amateur in your presence.smiley - winkeye

smiley - mouse

And the winner is...

Post 3


wow!! And I thought carrying 4 umbrellas qualified me for some kind of award.. I am in the presence of true bag-carrying greatness..
smiley - cheers

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