A Conversation for The Rise and Rise of the Handbag


Post 1


I'm a male, and I've carried a satchel since primary school! It's a pretty utilitarian device, a bag with a wide flap and sturdy straps. What differentiates a satchel from a hndbag or a manbag, I think, is that the satchel is slung over the opposite shoulder from where the bag hangs, so the strap crosses the chest.
If I wear it same-side, it looks like a handbag and the obligatory catcalls ensue. But sling it opposite side, and it's obviouly a satchel and not a handbag.
So what's in the satchel? iPod, cell phone, pens, paperback book, and of course, a small TOWEL!smiley - biggrin
I keep my wallet and keys in my trouser pockets though - better security.



Post 2

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Ah, the keys in the trouser pockets ploysmiley - bigeyeswill put holes in your trouser pockets.smiley - yikes

smiley - mouse

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