CAC Continuum

2 Conversations

The Flowery, Fruity, Environmental Issue

Is this the place?

Fiction smiley - cheersWeird Science smiley - drunk First/Personals smiley - hangoverKitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - emptySatire

Nature is wonderful innit? Colourful and fresh and ... well, birds, bees — tweet tweet, buzz buzz. You get the idea. We celebrate nature in this issue of the CAC Continuum. Excuse me while I go outside to watch some grass grow. Or chain myself to a panda.

To remove yourselves completely from the natural order of things on Earth, an exclusive for the CAC Continuum:

A5640716 by U1590784

smiley - earth

Trees are generally big green woody things that grow fruit or let animals live in them. Yes?
Think again:

A5640446 by U205339

smiley - mistletoe

From the Joy of Trees we take you further into the Joy of Sex. No, Fruit! Fruit for Sex! No!
Oh never mind, it's late and my pineapple is calling from the bedroom:

A5640563 by U206090

smiley - strawberry

Did you fall from the ugly tree and hit some branches on the way down? Find out here:

A5640374 by U210501
and U203633

smiley - xmastree

And finally, to honour the moemory of a fellow Researcher, a soft emotive piece:

A5640905 by U1320388

smiley - rose

Remember if you like what you see, leave a message with the relevant Researcher.
You can always suggest writing for the CAC Continuum either by contacting
The Post, by getting in touch or by visiting us at our own place.

This week's CAC Continuum was put nurtured and fed manure by MJ: A Gentle-frood

as part of the Committee for Alien Content's continuing search for truth and a wider audience.

Speak for yourself!

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We gratefully acknowledge the support of the h2g2 UnderGuide

MJ: A Gentle-frood

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