Escape Pod Dreams - 55

1 Conversation

'Only the person whose name is on the account can pay this bill, Sir.'

The New New blob

'Ah. Yes. I see. Can't have any unauthorized bill-paying, can we?
Rend all the sacred traditions this nation is suspended from to the core, wouldn't it?'

I have had marvellous experiences recently with two sorts of people:

  1. Them what are getting a paycheck but haven't yet received a clue.
  2. Them what are probably not getting paid enough but are doing
    their jobs to the best of their ability.

I have had occasion to encounter several levels of bureaucracy and 'customer service' personnel at a wide number of locations:
  • a: stores
  • b: schools
  • c: school districts
  • b: hospitals
  • c: hospital billing departments
  • A: online shopping services
  • B: online shopping service customer services
  • C: billing offices
  • D: online billing services
  • E: churches
  • F: insurance companies
  • G: creditors
  • 12: auto repair shops
  • 13: the media
  • 14: the utilities
  • 15: Uvula's employers

While there have been times when I was pleasantly surprised or merely gratified, there have been too many occasions (particularly in the current job market) to wonder just why some of these folks are allowed to answer the phone at work, let alone be allowed to remain employed. The best answer I can think of is that their supervisors do not wish to inflict them on any of their peers at other firms. Some times it's best to leave the roadkill where you find it, as it will probably make a bigger stink when you attempt to move it.

"I'm glad you understand, Sir"

1. 8:57 AM
I'm sorry, sir, but I don't have your file. Would you fill out this form without bleeding on it?
77347718: currently in the wind

2. 9:57 AM
We have no record of that payment. Please remit immediately.
Take two eggs, a pound of bacon and a quart of motor oil...

3. 10:57 AM
That is not my department. No, I don't know which department can help you. Please hold.
The Doctor is IN: five cents, please?

4. 11:57 AM
Updating is the parent's responsibility. We only do data entry.
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

'Right. And I don't suppose that I could now talk to your immediate supervisor in order to tell him or her that you have refused to let me close the account of a person who is currently dead just because I am not the person mentioned on the bill?'


The Escape Pod Dreams

(tonsil revenge)

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