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A call for action by the Ministry of Health and Medical Costing and Imported Pillow Stuffing Testing ruffles feathers among Hospital Billing and Cooing Staffs.

from Purpetual News, Unlimited

Reports have almost indicated that the National Guild of Hosptial Billing and Collection Staffs and Ancillary Personnel will issue a rebuttal to the headbutt they received yesterday in a Yellow Post-It Note from the MoHaMCaIPST which indicated that costs and overruns from improper and redundant billing and collection procedures might be culled and cut by transferring the duties and tasks from civilian employees to grey collar inmates at minimum supervision prison facilities in Brighton, Eton, Exeter and Glangclangtillytore, Fitzbrugher Pillroll.

An unconfirmed source (who has since left the church, but still believes quite a bit of what she was taught as a child) has stated that the NGoHBaCSaAP believes that these responsibilities should not be awarded to them what have been tried and convicted of malfeasance, fraud, and deriliction of duty, but only them what hain't yet been nicked or grassed. The second assistant Director of Media Communications at the MoHaMCaIPST refused to confirm or deny suggestions from backbenchers of Manchester United that if that were the case, then it would be possible to put the "whole stinking lot in gaol, if that's the way they want it!"

And a charlad at the Times Of Wolverton refused to deny or confirm that he uses a touch of colour to keep the grey at bay.

This communication is protected by Liberian registration. No attempt to board it to search for contraband will be welcome without a proffered Swiss bank account # beforehand. Under very few circumstances should this offer be forwarded, copied or mentioned to any of the reporter's or cameraman's significant others, parole officers or bookies. This notice and all attached indicia and outdicia are copyright 1888 under the laws pursuant to same in the Sovereign Country of Bahrain.

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