People for Peace

49 Conversations

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. (Article 1, United Nations Convention on Human Rights)

smiley - hugsmiley - earth

People for Peace advocate peaceful negotiation to resolve conflicts.

Not War.

When it is necessary to use force to punish or prevent crime, or safeguard human rights such action should be carried out within the bounds of international law. This applies to all nations, all the time.

No exceptions.

We, as individuals, take responsibilty for our behaviour, and aim to promote tolerence, goodwill and understanding to all.


smiley - peacedove

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Some links to Peace Activism, Political and Satirical websites.

Letter writing made easy! Vidmasters 'do something page'

Debate the possible war in Iraq, state your mind.

Pheloxi's meme webguide wish only well
smiley - peacesign

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