A Conversation for People for Peace

Peace groups on h2g2

Post 1

Adele the Divided (h2g2 will be your undoing)

Hello, I have just discovered this, and want to sign up to a peace group on h2g2! I am Adele, I am a Christian pacifist and anti-imperialist. Here I am!smiley - peacesign

Peace groups on h2g2

Post 2


Hello there Adele!My name is Sean.I am also a Christian,and if you would care to chat with me sometime,please feel free to get in touch!Best wishes,Sean.

Peace groups on h2g2

Post 3

Adele the Divided (h2g2 will be your undoing)

Hi, Sean - thanks for your response! I left a message on your space.
Adelesmiley - bluebutterfly

Peace groups on h2g2

Post 4


Hi guys,

nice to have you hanging around and bumping into each other.

I really dont get online to this website often now, but I do now and then.

I have a little peacenik news - there are some events planned for July 4th - such as a gathering at the Menwith Hill Airbase in Yorkshire, Northern England to protest against American Militarism.


I'm sure there will be other voices of dissent on day of national self congratulation, I believe that Adbusters are trying to buy some air time for thier anti-consumerism advertisments...


Unbrand America.

And, just so I don't get totally focused against the US, and instead lay some positive enlargement on ya there is an international movement for Fair Trade supported by many charities, and Christian Aid, to get a positive adjustment of the structures of trade to benefit instead of impoverish the developing world.


Big Hugs to ya,

Jen smiley - rainbow

Peace groups on h2g2

Post 5

Adele the Divided (h2g2 will be your undoing)

Oh, I so *wish* I was in the U.K! (Please, any NZ/Australian researchers who know of any activities - get in touch!)
smiley - peacesign

Peace groups on h2g2

Post 6



Peace groups on h2g2

Post 7

Adele the Divided (h2g2 will be your undoing)

I'll check it out, thanks.smiley - peacesign

Peace groups on h2g2

Post 8


Hi All

theres a protest against the arms trade in London on 6 Sep.

See u there! Details here:


Jen smiley - rainbow

Peace groups on h2g2

Post 9

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I've just posted a request at theCommunity Choice page (A192791) to add a Peace Garden (under the 'Town' link) to the The World of h2g2 categories. This would be specific to community groups with a specific interest in peace activism.

'There seems to be quite a few groups in the h2g2 community of Researchers gathered in the name of Peace, Love, and Justice. It occurred to me that it would be nice to group them together in a Peace Garden in the heart of h2g2 Town.'

This would, as I see it, have a twofold benefit: It would enable Researchers to find groups espousing an interest in peace activism (which seems a pretty hit-and-miss affair at the moment) and it would facilitate co-operation and resource sharing between groups in the list (ditto).

Waddaya think?


Peace groups on h2g2

Post 10


Sounds nice, John. Can we talk about gardening there too, or just peace?

smiley - cheers
(that's a mug full of freshly whirled peas!)

Peace groups on h2g2

Post 11

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Anything of importance is best discussed over the garden fence and pondered in the potting shed. smiley - winkeye

JTG smiley - tea

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