This is a Journal entry by Miss Typo

Merry Christmas!

Post 161

Miss Typo

Thank you for the funnies hunny! they are really funny smiley - laugh
smiley - hug

Merry Christmas!

Post 162


no worries..if there cheered you up great that me makes me happy as well.smiley - biggrin

it's nice to see you smiling.....have a smiley - hug & a smiley - cuddle..


Post 163

Miss Typo

Hi Waz!

How are you on this fine day? smiley - smiley


Post 164


hi ya..hun,

i'm fine thanks for more having to get up really early for alittle while...

did you get my email to you last night...?

i also sent another which was a bit garbled so i'll try & explain..
i've several accounts for email of which i think you have them all.

i tend to use the msn one as much as the ntl,but with the msn i can tell when my mates are on line,so ther i was trying to enter you in my contacts list last night & it would'nt let me i worked round it but i think it sent you a free download...(phew) in case you wanted to use them....(wipes brow)

i hope i have'nt confused you.

i also have on offer a toolbar licensed by microsoft (which has no spyware attached) which allows you to send ecards,change backgrounds & allows you to enter smileys like you do on hootoo if you want it i'll send it to you..

sorry for the war & peace how are you today.....hope your feeling well..


Post 165

Miss Typo

Nope I didn't get any emails.... I'll check again later. smiley - smiley

I am feeling a bit better today, but i only had half a day, and as it takes me an hour and a half to get into college, I realy couldn't be arsed!!! smiley - laugh


Post 166

Miss Typo

Nope I didn't get any emails.... I'll check again later. smiley - smiley

I am feeling a bit better today, but i only had half a day, and as it takes me an hour and a half to get into college, I realy couldn't be arsed!!! smiley - laugh


Post 167


i like it.....

thats about the same time it takes me to get into work i know what its

hey doi detect a feisty bird trying to get out..smiley - laugh

what i said last night was i got your email but no attachement soooooo i could'nt see how pretty you looked (charm charm) smiley - biggrin


Post 168

Miss Typo

The feisty bird is out, and here to stay!!! smiley - biggrin

Ahh, I shall have to sent you the email Wade run!!! smiley - run


Post 169


& why would i need to run - biggrin

& don't be doing yourself down either...ok


Post 170

Miss Typo

You wait...just wait!!! smiley - weird. No, it's not that bad, I'll be honest it's quite good. Do you want me to sent it now?


Post 171


yeah if you like...try it to my works address though as i'm ere...

[email protected]

oh you only have to look in the rogues gallery for one of


Post 172

Miss Typo

Okay I've sent it...fingers crossed it worked!
smiley - smiley


Post 173


hi hun....

our servers a bit slow so i have'nt got it yet..but...i sit here expectantly......smiley - biggrin

so whats your plan for the rest of the day tthen hunny...smiley - hug


Post 174

Miss Typo

I am just gonna be doing nowt!!! i am listening to the mary whitehouse experience at the moment and laughing. A lot! smiley - laugh


Post 175


aaagghh good call..don't blame you,wil you be there this evening or

are you out with friends beering it - laugh


Post 176

Miss Typo

Nope the only friends i'll be with tonight are the ones on channel 4!! smiley - smiley


Post 177


i'll chat to you if you like matey...smiley - hug


Post 178

Miss Typo

Are you being left alone tonight then? smiley - cuddle Yeah, I'd love to talk to you


Post 179


yah...oh yes im babysitting tonight what fun..........lubbly jubbly look forward to it then...smiley - winkeye


Post 180

Miss Typo

smiley - biggrin

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