This is a Journal entry by Miss Typo


Post 201


yah hi ya matey,

yup got yahoo messenger installed now....i think you'll find i've sent a message to your usual email account from my yahoo one...smiley - laugh

not a bad weekend got a little drunk....oops

would have text you sat night coz i was in a state it would have made you laugh...but did'nt have your no.,smiley - laugh

what about you how was your weekend...?

i'll apologise now if i have to leave quickly..

oops gotta go

luv wade


Post 202

Miss Typo

I did nothing all weekend, apart from help my mate design a website, getting at her ex. I was called apon to write "witty" dialoge. It was great fun!

I tried to enter your name into the yahoo thing, but it didn't work...

Ohh well smiley - smiley


Post 203


should work now hunny.....smiley - winkeye

as promised i'm once again in work but the email is down..

check your email now my love...smiley - smiley, you'll see that it sent me a message asking if it was ok for you to add my name to your address book which i obviously said it was..

as my email is down i'll look for your message on here if you sign in tonight...



Post 204



hi here...smiley - laugh


Post 205

Miss Typo

Ahh, I must have just missed you last night.

I'll be around all day...see you later smiley - hug


Post 206

Miss Typo

Thank you for the music video darling!!! smiley - cheers


Post 207


hey no worries hun thought it might cheer you up..

so hows things going then...smiley - laugh.....have a smiley - cuddle


Post 208

Miss Typo

I'm just going to settle down and watch some mary whitehouse clips, cause there is nowt on the telly!!

Got my Euros today for Amsterdam, I am getting quite excited now!! smiley - biggrin


Post 209


so your going now..good for you...

how long you off for then... look i was extremely brahms & list sat ...i was going to text you but had no number........i don't bite you know,besides i need to place an much ha....only kidding..

i don't suppose you still have my mobile no then.........

anyway i was just testing something out at home & thought of you & wandered if you'd like a likkle music emails...did it come out ok.

& i take it i'm now in your yahoo messenger ok...coz your definately set up in mine...only problem though it don't appear to be a s secure as msn...when i sign into msn it needs a password before you can access anything with yahoo its completely opposite..never mind..smiley - laugh


Post 210

Miss Typo

Yep, definatly going to Amsterdam.

I am getting a new phone, so thats why I didn't text you. I didn't think there was much point cause I'll be getting a new number soon.

Yep your on my Yahoo! Whats your hotmail address again? I'll put you into my msn messenger, cause I've got that sorted ou now. Yay!!


Post 211


alrighty hun...

[email protected]


works...(which is now working yah) [email protected]

cool glad everythings up & running,so how long are you going for..

smiley - biggrin


Post 212

Miss Typo

I am away for 4 days, so i leave on Easter monday, and come back on thursday. It should be really good. I am a bit nervous though, don't really know why to be honest. smiley - silly I get a bit home sick, so thats probably somthing to do with it.


Post 213


aahhh mate i'll miss you,i'm days next week who am i going to talk to everyones on holiday......


Post 214

Miss Typo

aww, your very sweet, you always cheer me up smiley - cuddle, you'll have to make the most of me while I am here smiley - winkeye


Post 215


bless are lovely you know..smiley - hug

you always cheer me up as well.....oh well i'll just have to count the days down i guess...smiley - winkeye


Post 216

Miss Typo

We are the mutual apriciation society aren't we smiley - laugh

Are you on nights all this week then?


Post 217


yeah 12hr nights for my sins...1800hr starts 0600hrs finish...bummer hey...smiley - groan

gets a bit lonely here at times..(work that is) sometimes wonder what i'd do if i did'nt have you & a few others to talk to..

might have to wonder down your way one time..just to say hi,if that would be ok...


Post 218

Miss Typo

That would be really nice!! I still don't know what you look like though!! Did you ever get my picture?


Post 219


no hun i did'nt...did'nt even recieve the email for some reason...

try it again might work this don't want to see a picture of me...smiley - laugh they use it to scare kids to sleep...smiley - winkeye,but if i get the software i'll gladly send you something to scare your mates with...smiley - laugh


Post 220

Miss Typo

You can't be that scary hunny!! I shall try and send it now. I'll send it to your work address... prepare for somthing scary yourself!!! smiley - laugh

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