This is a Journal entry by Miss Typo

Merry Christmas!

Post 141


morning laura,

yeah i'm fine mate...smiley - smiley

todays a little bit more cheery than yesterday,don't know why i just felt a little blue but better today for talking to you...smiley - laugh

how about you ...hows things with you...?

Merry Christmas!

Post 142

Miss Typo

Well, I am not feeling too fantastic todaysmiley - ill. I might not be able to go Amsterdam on account of my health, but we shall see.

If you ever want to email me about anything thats going on, please feel free. I whinged on to you about my stuff, so I'd be more than happy to return the favour. smiley - hug

Missy smiley - diva

Merry Christmas!

Post 143

wazzow did'nt whinge you were just using a mate as a sounding board..& as i've said i'm always here & you have all my email addresses.

thanks i appreciate that,thats good of you.

so whats wrong...i know your looking forward to the trip,nothing to bad i hope.

anyway heres some smiley - hug & smiley - cuddles for you......



Merry Christmas!

Post 144

Miss Typo

I am just gererally feeling a bit ill. smiley - ill. Hopefully it won't come to missing the trip, but if I have to, I have to. C'est la vie!
smiley - smiley

Did you ever watch or listen to The Mary Whitehouse Experience? I know thats a strange question, but I found a site about it and it's really funny.


Merry Christmas!

Post 145


yeah loved the program...but don't ask me to repeat any of the series..smiley - laugh

willl that leave you all on your lonesome if you can't make the trip to amsterdam.....?

is the site any good then..?,when i've sorted a copuleof things out i'll send you some emails to cheer you up,let me know if you've had them before...have a really big smiley - hug & give us a smile..smiley - biggrin

Merry Christmas!

Post 146


yeah loved the program...but don't ask me to repeat any of the series..smiley - laugh

willl that leave you all on your lonesome if you can't make the trip to amsterdam.....?

is the site any good then..?,when i've sorted a copuleof things out i'll send you some emails to cheer you up,let me know if you've had them before...have a really big smiley - hug & give us a smile..smiley - biggrin

Merry Christmas!

Post 147


yeah loved the program...but don't ask me to repeat any of the series..smiley - laugh

willl that leave you all on your lonesome if you can't make the trip to amsterdam.....?

is the site any good then..?,when i've sorted a copuleof things out i'll send you some emails to cheer you up,let me know if you've had them before...have a really big smiley - hug & give us a smile..smiley - biggrin

Merry Christmas!

Post 148

Miss Typo

smiley - biggrin

Yeah the site is very good, it's got video clips and stuff. If you want i'll email you the address.

If I don't go to Amsterdam it won't matter, as it's the easter holidays then, so I can just stay at home and chill!

Merry Christmas!

Post 149


please do that would be great......

what do you call chilling then luvvy...smiley - biggrin

Merry Christmas!

Post 150

Miss Typo

Chiilin = Veging out on the sofa and doing NOTHING, except watcing TV and eating chocolate! smiley - smiley My idea of heaven!!!!

Merry Christmas!

Post 151


aaarrrggg chocolate,what you really need is someone breaking the chunks off & feedeing them to you...smiley - biggrin

you ok now mate,cheered up any..?

Merry Christmas!

Post 152

Miss Typo

Yep, I'm a bit happier now. My friend is coming over in a moment, so we are going to watch some videos.

How's your day going?smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 153


not to bad,going to send you some funnies shortly...oh & i will definately be sending you an email from home tonight,coz i'm looking forward to seeing the person i talk too(i hope that does'nt sound too funny.....)

when i have a web cam sorted etc i'll send you one of me to scare all the children with..smiley - laugh

at the moment trying to catch up on work but never mind..its nice to talk..

Merry Christmas!

Post 154

Miss Typo

Morning!smiley - smiley

last day of veging out!

Oh no, college tomorrow!

I'll just send you an email with all the Mary Whitehouse stuff.

Missy smiley - diva

Merry Christmas!

Post 155


morning my luv...smiley - smiley

how the devil are ya..........................,

my day started at an amazingly early 0340hrs & i then spent the next two hrs freezing until i got into work at 0555....

this was when i thought "what a beutiful day"....(cue air guitar)...

thank you thank you i'll be here all week,all schkels greatly accepted...smiley - whistle

college tommorrow eh..?,that wont be too bad will it..i take it you finish on friday like everyone else..?

oh by the way hows the course going,you have'nt said i hope its not as tough as you thought,but hey if it is i'm right here for ya..give us a "high five" smiley - hug...smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 156

Miss Typo

I am okay, although we've just had a power cut! So the heating cut off and it's got very cold in here! smiley - brr

My college course is going okay, it's just that I haven't been wel, and its a really hard course. I may have to give up and find a job.smiley - sadface

Missy smiley - hug

Merry Christmas!

Post 157

Miss Typo

I am okay, although we've just had a power cut! So the heating cut off and it's got very cold in here! smiley - brr

My college course is going okay, it's just that I haven't been wel, and its a really hard course. I may have to give up and find a job.

Missy smiley - hug

Merry Christmas!

Post 158


no way mate....

can they help with the course coz they know your not well sometimes..
if this is what you want to do stick with it,i have many regrets over not doing what i wanted when i was young enough to do it.

you know i'm here for you if you need someone to talk to..smiley - cuddle,

are your mum & dad behind you...i take it they would like you to do something you want to,rather than be stuck in some dead end job...

have a large smiley - hug & some smiley - cake & even a if it'll warm you up...



Merry Christmas!

Post 159

Miss Typo

ooh ta for the smiley - hug, smiley - stiffdrink and smiley - cake

I don't really know if I want to be a garden designer now myself. I don't really know what I want to do. I shall have to do some serious thinking smiley - steamsmiley - headhurts

Ohh well, such is life!smiley - erm

You better send me those jokes you know, I will soon be in serious need of cheering up!

Missy smiley - diva

Merry Christmas!

Post 160


check your inbox hun...& let me know what you think..smiley - winkeye

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