This is a Journal entry by Miss Typo

Merry Christmas!

Post 441


you mean thats not a girlie film.....(puzzled expression) i could have sworn it was...smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 442

Miss Typo

smiley - laugh It maybe a girly film, but it's not my type of film. Give me die hard any day!

Merry Christmas!

Post 443


only so you can see bruce willis with his top off...smiley - nahnah caught you out..smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 444

Miss Typo

Bruce helps my enjoyment of them film,that is true, but Bruce or no Bruce, they are still fab films!smiley - biggrin

I will admit though that I had to watch the Usual Suspects twice because Gabriel Byrne was rather...ahem...distracting smiley - loveblush

Merry Christmas!

Post 445


sex sex that all you women think about....smiley - laughsmiley - roflROFLMAO!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas!

Post 446

Miss Typo

and your point is...?
smiley - biggrin

Merry Christmas!

Post 447


smiley - ok you've got me cold..smiley - evilgrin i'm just as bad but only about themale of this species...smiley - rofl would'nt be a bloke otherwise would i...smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 448


that should have read FEMALE of the species for any lurkers out there..smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 449

Miss Typo

True, true! I'm quite apt at admiring both of the sexes! but men definatly float my boat!

Merry Christmas!

Post 450

Miss Typo

Covering up your tracks Wade? smiley - rofl

Merry Christmas!

Post 451


oh no...i'm definately not of that persuasion at all...

i'm always ready to stand the test but i can definately tell you now out of a nakid women or man the nakid women would get the required response i can assure you..smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

Merry Christmas!

Post 452

Miss Typo

smiley - rofl You always make me laugh and cheer me up! Thank you mate!

Merry Christmas!

Post 453


that my dear are what friends are for....smiley - cuddle

i'm glad i can help...

Merry Christmas!

Post 454

Miss Typo

Hi Waz,

Just thought i'd pop by and say hello! smiley - biggrin

Hope all is well with you. I, belive it or not, have been working! Don't faint, come on, up you get! smiley - laugh College is okay, don't think much of the people, but enjoying all the work non the less.

Anyway, hope we bump into each other soon!
Laura smiley - hug

Merry Christmas!

Post 455


no worries hun...smiley - hug

i thought you'd left the planet....smiley - rofl no seriously i thought you had been busy thats why i had'nt heard from you....

i did try to ring you a couple of times...smiley - laugh but your phone was
i tell you what i'm gonna buy you a sim card & set up the answer phone for you...

anyways how've you been really i missed talking to you...& hopefully at some point we will bump into one

Merry Christmas!

Post 456

Miss Typo

I'm fine thanks, writing up notes from college smiley - zzz

I've missed you too! Hope all is well with you and yours!

Merry Christmas!

Post 457


yes my sweet i'm fine & the kids are fine etc...smiley - laugh the dragon is still the dragon..

guess what i dropped my phone in a bowl of water this morning & i can't get the dam thing to work..i'd give you a ring but i can't access my phone book...smiley - grr

Merry Christmas!

Post 458

Miss Typo

smiley - rofl How on earth did you manage to do that? I think perhaps my blonde vibes are starting to effect you! smiley - evilgrin

College tomorrow smiley - yuk Not looking forward to it. At least I finish at 4, unlike fridays when I'm trapped there until 5! God, I'm a moaner! smiley - laugh Ohh well... I'm going to have a nice bath and settle down in front of the T.v. with a nice glass of somthing I think! smiley - redwine

Merry Christmas!

Post 459


hi laura hun....smiley - hug

yup thats me i guess i'm infested...smiley - laugh nice infection though...smiley - rofl

sorry to trouble you hun i've had to change phones coz my other is naffed....i've still got the same no: do you think you could send me a txt dear pls so i could add your number to me other phone..smiley - grovelsmiley - grovel

i hope your hot steamy bath went well & you enjoyed your glass of smiley - redwine

i look forward to speaking toyou this afternoon dear...smiley - cuddle

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