This is a Journal entry by Miss Typo

Merry Christmas!

Post 401


not to bad my dear thanks for asking...smiley - laugh

i start a 2 week holiday from saturday this week,although i'm not going anywhere but its still a break

watch your

Merry Christmas!

Post 402


not to bad my dear thanks for asking...smiley - laugh

i start a 2 week holiday from saturday this week,although i'm not going anywhere but its still a break

watch your

Merry Christmas!

Post 403


not to bad my dear thanks for asking...smiley - laugh

i start a 2 week holiday from saturday this week,although i'm not going anywhere but its still a break

watch your

Merry Christmas!

Post 404

Miss Typo

Hi Waz!smiley - biggrin
Hows the holiday been? I hope youv'e enjoyed your well deserved rest. I've missed our chats so I hope you return soon! smiley - hug
I tried to send you a couple of texts, but my phone is smiley - bleeping rubbishsmiley - laugh, so I doubt you got any of them.
Hope to hear from you soon
smiley - love

Merry Christmas!

Post 405


hi hun...smiley - hug

i've been fine darlin,thank you for trying to send some txt's..smiley - laugh

by return i thought i'd ring you just to say hello,the old phone was off to begin with & when i got through it was answered by a bloke who said he did'nt know any laura..?,how strange...smiley - laugh

i did'nt do much just bimbled around a little with the kids,i was thinking of you honest but i just could'nt get throug to you.

if you look at this today give us a txt & i'll ring ya ok.

hope all is ok

take care



Merry Christmas!

Post 406

Miss Typo

Hi smiley - hug

I dunno who that bloke was, I'm very ashamed to say he wasn't mine, but well...! smiley - laugh
My phone did ring, but I couldn't answer it. My sister had a bit of a crisis so I was left holding the baby. It came up with ID witheld though, and I didnt think it was you, so I left it.

Hope your okaysmiley - biggrin

Merry Christmas!

Post 407


yah...hun..smiley - cuddle..

sorry to say the caller withheld was me...smiley - laugh

unfortunately my works number for what ever reason is always withheld its not me just something the switchboard autumatically does.

i hope your sister etc is ok now & the crisis is over..?

so hows you then i hope life is treating you ok...

i will try & ring you again..smiley - laugh from here this week shame your answerphone is'nt on i'd leave a message so you knew it was me...

anyway take care
hope to speak to you later...



Merry Christmas!

Post 408

Miss Typo

Hi smiley - hug

Yup, crisis over! She has to take her hubby off to the hospital as he'd managed to cut himself quite badly, but he’s okay now!

I'm always a bit apprehensive when it says ID withheld, you never know who it is (Yes I know that’s the point! smiley - laugh) I'll be brave and pick it up next time! smiley - laugh

Life’s not to bad at all, got my college letters, and I start next week. I'm a bit nervous and excited.

Hope alls well with you

Merry Christmas!

Post 409

Miss Typo

Hows all with you?smiley - biggrin

Merry Christmas!

Post 410


vrey well hun.....

& you....i is tring to phone but the phone not on..smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 411

Miss Typo

It is now!smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 412


ha ha.......talking to you know.....smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 413

Miss Typo

smiley - laugh It was really nice to hear you. Now I just want to see a picture of you!smiley - tongueoutsmiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 414


A WHAT......smiley - laugh

mmmmm kinda a cross between quasimodo & a gorilla...smiley - laugh

no seriously i think me personally that i look better in real life than i do in a picture..,but then i'm no oil painting..smiley - laugh

when i get me pc up & running i'll see if i can send you one at least you can scare the locals with it anyway....

oh & it was real nice talking to you as well..hun..smiley - hug

Merry Christmas!

Post 415

Miss Typo

smiley - laugh Now what were you saying to me about confidence?

Merry Christmas!

Post 416


ok ok smiley - laugh i know.......

well i'll just let you be the judge then...when i can send you one..smiley - laugh

you still waiting for your friend..

Merry Christmas!

Post 417

Miss Typo

Yep, I might try and ring her in a moment, I hate waiting around. Plus I can't concentrate on Countdown while I'm waiting for her to appear! smiley - laugh

By the way, and I know I'm being a right old woman here but can you answer me this please,my laugh isn’t too filthy is it? I’m really paranoid about itsmiley - flusteredsmiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 418


no silly its a nice laugh honest...smiley - hug

i'll not tell you porky's sweetie..

besides i thinks its sweet it made me happy

Merry Christmas!

Post 419

Miss Typo

Aww ta mate. smiley - hug I know it's a girly thing but I worry about it!

Anyway, I'm going to have to go, but i shall see you later hopefully

Love Laura smiley - biggrin

Merry Christmas!

Post 420


by luv & take care & have fun..,smiley - hug



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