This is a Journal entry by Miss Typo

Merry Christmas!

Post 121


ddo ddo dddo..phing

it must be a richard whitely thung..we'll have to discuss your tastes in men my luvvy...smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 122

Miss Typo

No, I am afraid twice nightly Whitely does NOT do it for me smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - brrI am so cold, I have 3 pairs of socks on!

Missy smiley - diva

Merry Christmas!

Post 123


why are you cold laura...?

no heating again..or so comfortable that you don't want to move & switch it on..smiley - laugh

seriously though do you suffer from ..i think this is right ranauds disease,where the hands & feet are cold all the time.

well at least when you meet this lad your'll have something in common to talk about at least..smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 124

Miss Typo

I just feel really cold, i dunno why! My sister has raynards disease, and it's not nice. When she was at college, she had to wait to catch the train, and she would go blue! I don't think I have that, at least i hope not.

I dunno if I want to be set up again, after what happened last time (which I think you'll agree, was very bad smiley - grr) I just don't seem to be able to attract a man on my own! smiley - sadface

Missy smiley - diva

Merry Christmas!

Post 125


listen my love why do you think like

i'm sure although i've not met you, i can tell you've got redeeming qualities which any bloke who met you would be pleased to find.

i take it your a natural introvert like me then...?

don't do yourself down,believe me it does you no good i'm sure you could go to the club this weekend & end up with a really nice guy who would'nt take you for a ride..we do exist you know..smiley - smiley

come on cheer up i've told you before if you don't i'll come down & take you out myself..just so the other guys take pity on you for having a drink with a decrepid old git..smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 126

Miss Typo

You are not a decrepid old git! I think we both must have similar outlooks on ourselves! Anyway from now on I shall have a calm aura about me smiley - zen, and shall not care what happens!!!

Missy smiley - diva

Merry Christmas!

Post 127


cool..thats a great idea.....

i feel quite lucky i happened to find such an interesting person to talk to..thanks laura you make me smile when the day is blue.

smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 128

Miss Typo

Aww, you too!smiley - hug

So hows stuff with you?

Merry Christmas!

Post 129


well still here (at work) for my sins...smiley - yuk

supposedly going out with some old school friends 19/04,(did i tell you..?)

homes home i've a half say tommorrow to go & see the physiotherepist
so hopefully he/she will be able to sort me out & give some good news..smiley - smiley

to be honest still not sure (know this sounds bad but as i'm being honest) about my wife.....still some nagging doubts you know how they are when ther've been raised.

other than that hon just fine,still trying to keep a cheery disposition on life smiley - smiley,chin up & all that.

with all these shifts i sometimes feel a lot older than the 35 i am ..please unless its your own business don't work long hours unless you really have to ....

anyway if you fancy adrink somewhere differant your welcome to come down on the 19/11 ....smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 130


hi laura...

i'm on a half day but if you want or need to chat you can get me at either of the following...

[email protected].../[email protected] or [email protected]

anyway hope you have a good day..take care

rememeber "were going to work as a team & do it my way"

take care



Merry Christmas!

Post 131


moaning laura......................smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 132

Miss Typo

Good moaning Wade!!!!!smiley - tongueout

Merry Christmas!

Post 133


morning mate,

have a good weekend...?...smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 134

Miss Typo

Well I didn't do much to classify the weekend as good. My sister came up on Saturday with the kids, so that was fun, and yesterday I watched the formula 1 with my friend Ralf. That race was really strange yesterday!!!

Merry Christmas!

Post 135


yeah i saw the pre limbs sat night..

did'nt see much of the race yesterday though but the weather was really bad.

nice to hear from you i've now got a few funnies i can forward on to you if you like..?

oh...just for the laugh of it i downoladed a new tool bar yesterday to my home pc one with smileys on etc..bit of useless info i know nut hey....smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 136

Miss Typo

It was a bit of a joke the race yesterday, as the drivers didnt have wet tyres! And it didn't rain, it poured!!! Turn 3 took off about 6 cars.

Yep send me the funnies!!!! smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 137


ok ..will do,you alright.....have'nt offended you in any way have i ..just get the feeling you might be a bi p~£$ed off.....

Merry Christmas!

Post 138

Miss Typo

No of course you haven't!!! Why would you? Missy smiley - hugWazzow

How's things with you?

Merry Christmas!

Post 139


no dunno really being stupid..smiley - laugh

just sent you a few emails etc..& got no replys....smiley - biggrin

i thought i'd offended you in someway thats all matey.

i'm tired to be honest long shifts etc,could do with a rest..perhaps a break.

i might just try & get away on my own one weekend..won't bore you with the details,just need to have a laugh & relax..etc

fanks for asking though..smiley - laugh

Merry Christmas!

Post 140

Miss Typo

Morning Wade!smiley - smiley

Hows everything?

Missy smiley - diva

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