This is a Journal entry by Miss Typo


Post 181

Miss Typo

Just to say I should be around for a while, so when/if you come on here, leave me a message after the smiley - bleep


Post 182


hi hunny,

sorry took a while to get home this evening how ya feeling...smiley - winkeye


Post 183

Miss Typo

Hi Wade!

Don't worry abour last night, we had a thunder strom, and the power went out! smiley - smiley

How you doing?


Post 184

Miss Typo

Hi Wade!

Don't worry abour last night, we had a thunder strom, and the power went out! smiley - smiley

How you doing?


Post 185


not to bad mate....better for not having annoyed you...smiley - hug

so me dear i sent you an email grovelling this morning..don't know whats happening but i still have'nt recieved your email to me....

don't try sending it to the hotmail address (if you try again) until abou 1300-1330..a mate of mine has sent some more funnies home (there may be some duplicates) & filled my inbox up...smiley - grr

i'll be emptying this when at home...

how'd the storm go did it last for long..& more importantly how are you..


Post 186

Miss Typo

If you get the yahoo! messenger, i can sent you the file through that!

I am okay, bit tiered cause the storm went on for ages, and I am a bit of a whimp when it comes to thunder smiley - blush


Post 187


aaarrggggg were you missing smiley - cuddles during the storm ...poor baby....smiley - winkeye

well you now have my mobile no,if you ever want to ring feel free,if im at home & free i'll ring back but if i'm at work i'll definately ring back to save your costs...tis up to you..smiley - smiley

so were you hiding under the covers then..


Post 188

Miss Typo

I was hiding under the covers, cuddling up to my teddy bear! I know, I know, very sad for an 18 year old!!

I shall text you, so you have my mobile number..ohh that reminds me I must charge my phone up.


Post 189


not very sad at..all,i know some people my age + .that still cower at the sound of thunder & can't stand to see lighting...smiley - smiley

me i can stand at watch it for hours both listening & watching..its great for people who suffer migraines it helps release the tension thus reducing the headache,apart from that i find it quite relaxing..

just don't tell me you were in winnie the poo jarmies...<laugh.smiley - blush


Post 190

Miss Typo

No, I wasn't quite that bad!!! I had my tracksuit bottoms on, very comfy in bed.

I don't mind thunder when i am with someone and it's day time, at night, your all alone and its dark!!!


Post 191


you were'nt all on your lonesome were you hun....


so whats your plan of action today then...<biggrin)


Post 192

Miss Typo

My sister and her kiddies are coming up this morning....then.....nothing smiley - zzz I have a dull, dull life!!


Post 193


no i'm sure you don't..hey don't get down ok..don't you dare or you'll be in trouble..ok..have a smiley - cuddle & a smiley - hug...alright


Post 194

Miss Typo

Okay I won't smiley - winkeye and a smiley - cuddle to you too!!!

Are you working today?


Post 195


yeah....i've been here since 0600 this morning again.....

guess whos on nights next week me...yippee i a...not.12 hrs from 1800 - 0600 lubbly jubbly...i think not..

if your around next week i'll look out for you..its true to say that once i've visited the troops & made sure that theres nothing other than the usual groans to worry about i'll proberly log in abou 2000 -2030 hrs,maybe earlier poss..

i take it your on break now...going to be doing much this week & are you still going to amsterdam...smiley - winkeye.. say no more squire..


Post 196

Miss Typo

Yep, I should be going to Amsterdam! It should be fun, I really want to go, cos if I don't I'll be feeling a bit left out when they all come back and are talking about it!!smiley - biggrin


Post 197


who you going with then...(mr nosey...smiley - laugh..)


Post 198


right luvvy,

i'm off in about 5 mins take care of yourself & don't get maudling otherwise your in trouble...right..!

have a good weekend..if you wanrt you can text me,i'm out from about 1930 tonight but i will return your call ok.smiley - laugh

just take care..........don't do anything i would'nt...smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

have a smiley - hug & a smiley - cuddle & keep warm ok..




Post 199


afternoon hun,

how are you...?,what happened saturday you just sort of vanished & then i had to go..are you alright..?

how did the weekend go..smiley - smiley


Post 200

Miss Typo

Hello!!smiley - biggrin

Have you got yahoo messenger???? If you have can you add me to your contact list: [email protected]

Have agood weekend??

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