This is a Journal entry by Miss Typo

Merry Christmas!

Post 61


al right definately,but unless someones wife in here gives birth i'll be finishing work about 1400hrs..ok.


Merry Christmas!

Post 62

Miss Typo

Morning matey!smiley - smiley

Last day of sciving for me today, so I am going to make the most of it. Ohh and thanks for the jokes. You were right, the blonde one was hillarious!

Merry Christmas!

Post 63


hi ya,

thought you might like them,i've got lots more just did'nt have the time to send them to you.

(jumps around excitedly like a big kid)(grins)smiley - smiley,

oh i get connected at home next week so hopefully i should be able to talk to you from there as well..(laughs)

Merry Christmas!

Post 64


just thought i'd let you know..i'm off home in about 20mins,but i'll be back here at the fun palace bright & breezy for 0600hrs..smiley - sadface

care to join me for breakfast & some jumping jacks (laughs & smiles)smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 65

Miss Typo

Ohh, sorry I can't join you for breakfast. I have to catch the bus to college at 07:20. smiley - sadface

I may be able to speak to you friday afternoon though, as I finish college at 14:00. If I don't speak to you before then, have a good weekend smiley - cheers


Missy smiley - diva

Merry Christmas!

Post 66


hi ya matey...i know this early friday but i was bored & thought i'd leave a message for you for when you came home...smiley - winkeye

did you get the emails i sent you yesterday ok...?,hope so i think they were all alright not to close to the edge ...smiley - whistle.

when you come home come in & have a nice smiley - stiffdrink relax & drop us a line (smiles),i'm here until 1800hrs tonight smiley - groan & again tommorrow..smiley - groan *lol*

anyway i'll & smiley - clown around elsewhere until later take care smiley - biggrin & i'll speak to you later..

Merry Christmas!

Post 67

Miss Typo


Didn't go in today as all lectures were cancelled, so 3 day weekend! yay!

I loved your emails, especially the ones with all the puns. Remember puns are bad, poetry is verse, lol

Speak to you later smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 68


talk about lucky...tch,have to hang around with you might get some of your luck..(laughs)

well nothing much exciting going on just been informed "by she who must be obeyed " that she is going out saturday night for a beer with her mates...smiley - groan,great fun...i'll be stuck with the littlesmiley - devils taking over me ps2...

mind you(smiles in a sincere way) i might spend all night using the email on me digibox if i can get my word speed up from about thre words a week.smiley - flustered

never mind a couple of should do the trick..smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 69

Miss Typo

It must be 'girls night out' on Saturady, as I am going bowling with my friends too, then onto a bar. To be honest though, I would rather be at home on my playstation. I will have to sleep on my friends floor too, which should be very comfortable!

Have a smiley - stiffdrink on me!

Merry Christmas!

Post 70


is that "very comfortable " as in oh my this floor has a lovely deep carpet on it & i'm going to be warm & cosy.....



don't worry ...thanks for the drink,but i'll have a few more thinking of you on that floor.

i've been there,got the teashirt & starred in the movie..smiley - ok at your age not so smiley - cool at mine.

spent enough time with the army in horrible cold holes in the ground or horrible cold mess rooms everywhere.

hope you enjoy the bowling i've alwys wanted to go,but never got round to going.

you said bar but does that mean a chance of a smiley - disco as well..?

Merry Christmas!

Post 71

Miss Typo

You got the comfort issue right on the second time! lol

Yep, we should have a good old boogie at a club, which should be fun, even though it's not really my scene. I do have the sinking feeling I will have the Micheal taken out of my dancing on Monday!

Merry Christmas!

Post 72


greaatttttttt ...somebody else who's not keen on dancing smiley - cool,

yeah no wot you mean..

i belong to that old brigade of "lets go to the club & i'll stand at the bar all night while you dance" sort of thing,ok when i've had a drink i can move but it's not a pretty sight not for the faint hearted i can assure you.

so your a girlie ...normally you have the ability to move to music better than us guys..why will you have the mickey taken out of you..?

smiley - cheerup

Merry Christmas!

Post 73

Miss Typo

I used to do ballet and gymnastics a while ago, and I am alright doing choreograpy and stuff with a bit more rhythem. But when you get somthing that is just basically a base line I just can't dance to it, and start dancing like mr. Bean on acid! You know waving my arms around in the air and flinging my hips around! It's not pretty smiley - biggrin!

Merry Christmas!

Post 74


( laughs very loud..massive..ney humongous big grin)

i know exactly where your coming from.

any way old farts like me don't really move,just stand rooted to the spot,that is unless the time warp is on *lol & then it's "just a step to the left"...smiley - silly

Merry Christmas!

Post 75

Miss Typo

We'd make a right pair wouldn't we? "Cover your eyes everyone!"

My friend Mike is a really awful dancer, but he thought he was fantastic, and the more he has to driink, the better he thinks he is! smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 76


definately been there,

there was (this one time at band camp)(laughs),no seriously there was,i was at a party with some mates of mine & there must have been about 150 people ther.

anyway we had been drinking "as you do" & were absoulutely bladdered & the song "you to me are everthing" by the real thing cam on...well all of us thought it would be really funny to get up in front of all these people & dance..wot a sight.

we were doing spinning arms,flicking fingers & trying to move our feet at the same time..(remembers embarresment smiley - blush,we were everywhere much laughter.

funny thing is no one lets you ever forget these little drunks...

Merry Christmas!

Post 77

Miss Typo

Ohh that would be great to watch!

never done anything like that except dancing to walk like an egyption by the bangels, doing the arm movements and singing very loudly!

Merry Christmas!

Post 78


you never know....."tonight matthew i'm going to be a whirly dancer"...yea..smiley - whistle

it too could happen to you...which unless i'm forced in to it (which 4 or 5 pints seems to help) i prefur watching from the bar.(lol)

unfortunately this "dancing" thing happens with alarming regularity,when i go out mith the old "troubles" mates husband,he has a sniff of a barmaids apron & he's in for a penny & all that.

so which club will you hit then & do you have to pack hiking boots to get there.

Merry Christmas!

Post 79

Miss Typo

We go to the Admarial's club in whinchester, which is about an hour away from where I live, but only 10mins or so from college. The college bar is good too, though it makes you feel guilty as it's next to the gym!smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 80


i bet the college bar is good ..all cheap prices i bet..(laughs)

so much for promoting a sensible guide to alcohol(laughs loudly,rolls into ball)

winchester can't quite remember off the top of my head where that is but i'll look it up in my milemaster.

so it'll be one drink for for her mates

two drinks for laura for her mates.

shree drinks..hic...for laura for her mashhhhh...zzzzzzzzzzzz

smiley - silly

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