This is a Journal entry by Miss Typo

Merry Christmas!

Post 41

Miss Typo

Hello, I am back.

You know we are really going to have to come up with a new subject title for our conversation. It still says Merry Christmas and that seems like a long time ago!

Having a good day at work?

Merry Christmas!

Post 42


oh yeah..great in the dark dimensions ..shackled to me desk only a bag of greens to munch on..

whilst some other person "who shall remain anonomous" is relaxing watching videos,having tea playing games..etc..etc

on the pretext thats its a day off (laughs uncontrollerby..smiley - smiley..)

i ask you..who couldddddddd that be..(chuckle & evil little grin)

Merry Christmas!

Post 43

Miss Typo

I really haven't a clue who that could be, but I bet she is enjoying herself. I hope I am chearing you up slightly, whilst you sit in your black box and work hard. He He!smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 44


yeah course you are..thanks..smiley - smiley

did you finish the work that you had to do..?

oh meant to ask do you text..

i quite like the idea of it,in fact until i stumbled acroos this site at work (& i get the one at home) thats all i've done.

so what do you do for fun in your neck of the woods then..(laughs)

oh yeah i'm inquizative i forgot to tell you that.,i'm also cancerian,not that i'm into the stars at all but what star sigh are you..

Merry Christmas!

Post 45

Miss Typo

Yep, I finished my ever-so exciting assignment, so now I have a day full of nothing to do tomorrow! Yay! (I am not that lazy honest!)

I am a (WARNING: Bad spelling following this message.) Saggitarius. Can't spell it and pronounce it Saggy-Hairy-Arse. Saying that I am a bit of a beliver in the Star signs, but then I am a girl so I have to be!

Fun? What's that? Honestly, there isn't much to do, as I live in a little Village, so there isn't much here. Though I try to go to the cinema as often as I can. Saw Lord Of The Rings:The Two Towers on Saturday, which was really good.

Sorry having a bit of a blonde moment. Text, as in mobile phone? Your going to take the mikey out of me now arn't you!

Merry Christmas!

Post 46


wood eye do that..i ask you how long have you known me..

don't tell me you have another day skiving while some of us (laughs) namely me have to be up fours hrs before i go to bed just to get to work tsk..tsk...

on a lighter note i saw the first part of the trilogy but as yet have'nt had the time to see the two towers or the latest harry potter movie (to my kids disgust)(holds head bowed down)

do you read ..(obviously),what i meant was do yu or have you read tolkien & if so which other fantasy writer if any do youlike..smiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 47

Miss Typo

No I am not skiving off tomorrow, it is a designated day off as I work so hard in the week!

I like Tolkien, and Terry Prattchett (though I do think all the books are starting to get a bit similar.)I love Spike Milliagans take on books, my favorite being Lady chatterly's lover, which he re-wrote. It's very funny and extremley dirty! What about you?

Merry Christmas!

Post 48


yeah good old spike..i would'nt be surprised if you liked some of the goons as it was mostly his input.

i like tolkien (obviously),but if want a slightly suttle change of author you might want to give a guy called raymond e feist ago,his first book was magician..its really good,in that series there are three books the first i have named the other two are silverthorn & a darkness at sethonon.

yes it has elves & dwarfs but its written in a completely different way.

oops (must sound like a right bookworm)..

terry pratchett is good as well but i can't help think he's going of the boil now,hardly surprising you can't keep the same level of humour throughout an ongoing series like the discworld series.

so i don't know if i've already done it but i'll give you a discription of me so you can build up a mental picture of who your talkin too (no loud vomiting if you please)(snigger snigger)

i'm 5'82 tall

short blonde (grade 1 )with greying streaks (distinctive i thought) hair

stocky build.

if you've seen lock stock (i'm no where near as handsome)i'd look good in a crombie.

people avoid me when i walk into nightclubs.

don't get me wrong i'm not a violent person but i suppose being an ex weightlifter does that for you..

what about you..smiley - smiley..?

Merry Christmas!

Post 49

Miss Typo

x-weight lifter! Wow, what made you give it up?

Me, well I am about 5 foot 5-ish, short,blonde hair(as I think I have mentioned!),I wear glasses, and I am told I have a swimmers build (not that I go swimming!) I think the term was athletic, which I think means big boned! Anyway apparently I look a bit like Princess Anne's daughter, Zara Phillips. Don't know if thats a compliment or not to be honest!

Merry Christmas!

Post 50


getting out of breath chasing after john when he was younger..

did it for about 13 years & got to 17 & half stone,50 inch chest & 22 inch biceps.

now a shadow of my former self at 14 stone ,a bit of a gut i'm trying to get read off.

still retain reasonably large chest & arms but without lifting weights.

like you i wear glasses,but that going to change i'm thinking of contacts & theres nothing wrong with an athletic build (flirt flirt)

oh have you heard of feist att all then,if you were local i'd lend you some to read..

Merry Christmas!

Post 51

Miss Typo

Nope I have never heard of feist.

I thought you would wear glasses. I dunno why, just thought you might! I tried contacts but they weren't for me. Apparently the gap between my eyeball and eyelid is too small or somthing. I just makes me feel sick to think of itsmiley - ill! So I am just saving up for laser eye surgery!

Merry Christmas!

Post 52


really'll have to let me know how it goes when you have it done..

don't mean to harp on but go down to the library or local book shop..check him out a good writer,one of those you don't want to put the book down on.

so you thought i would wear glasses..?smiley - smiley

do expand i'm all ears..well not literally but you get the point.
so madame typo sees all how do judge me by our likle chats then..

oh forgot to say just in case anyone else sees this & gets the wrong idea..i'm happily married (almost)(laughs loudly..grin) i just like to flirt because it brings the best out in know a warm your actually part of something or needed for a change..don't know about you but i like thats why i like to know what people are like...(wicked grin)

Merry Christmas!

Post 53

Miss Typo

Don't worry, I wasn't getting the wrong idea or anything. I like flirting, it's actual relationships I can't stand. I flirt with my best mate at college, and he has been with his other half for 8 years.

I really dunno why I thought you wear glasses. In the imortal words of toyah wilcox it's a mystery!

I shall go to the libary forthwith. You arn't his agent or anything are you? On 20% comission? smiley - biggrin

Merry Christmas!

Post 54


nahhh no way matey..i would'nt stich friends (you are a friend are'nt you,(scratchs head & smiles..smiley - smiley..)

ok if were mates then i'm going to be nosey coz thats wot mates do..

why don't you like ..let me guess..

you've been badly s@*t on by a member of the not so sensitive male part of this race..hey..?

i see you also like about hazel o'connor..?(smiles)..

Merry Christmas!

Post 55

Miss Typo

A saying from my Nan springs to mind when I think of men. Men are like roses, you have to watch out for the pricks. And yes
you have it in one, but I haven't been s@*t on by just one bloke, but two, but we won't even go there.smiley - smiley

hazel o'connor? Did she do a song about drinking coffee and tea?

Merry Christmas!

Post 56


aarrgghh mate....ok a ladys perogative i believe..

(opens old memorys..can't remember about the record,she did a film called breaking glass though)

so (taps foot in authorative tone until looked at by miss typo,bows head & (smiles in a nice way,big grin even)

so watson do i deduce from that prvious correspondanve that we are indeed friends...

go on why the name you have chosen for yourself then,you tell me yours & i'll tell you mine ,although i have a sneaky suspicion that you know why i'm called what i am...(lol)

Merry Christmas!

Post 57

Miss Typo

I think we could be considered friends!

My name well. I was carrott_in_a_blender for a while (on account of me being confused most of the time!long story), but I changed it to miss typo on account of me spelling mistakes. The hat bit? That is from a very obscure Goons sketch where one charecter has a kettle on his head . When ask why he says "You should see my other hat, it's a teacosy!"

Now your turn!

Merry Christmas!

Post 58


ok very boring but since i started this..

you have my email address it starts with my surname which just so happens to be a bird.

the french for bird is wazzow..hence the nickname ,one day one of my mates called me it & it's stuck ever since..although having said that until recently i've never used in in such open circles.

ok your in a village theres a cinema near bye..i'm guessing that there happens to be a local you want to escape from the fun police where do you go thats decent to have a laugh..

Merry Christmas!

Post 59

Miss Typo

Oh no the cinema is a decent bus ride away. There is two pubs in the village though I don't tend to go out much. Most of my friends live quite far away, and to be honest I would rather be at home watching the telly! I know I am very boaring.

Anyway I have to be going as I have been on the computer all day,

speak to you tomorrow?
ttfnsmiley - smiley

Merry Christmas!

Post 60


ok luvvy..take care..

speak to you tommorrow maybe..


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