This is a Journal entry by paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Two more dreams: Sarcastic Indians and Trapped in a private school

Post 21

Shea the Sarcastic

smiley - rofl

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 22

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Last night, the lunacy continued unabated.

I dreamed that the Nazis were chasing Otto Frank
(father of Ann Frank, though Ann wasn't in the
dream). Otto took refuge with the Trapp Family
Singers. To make ends meet, they sold their
silverware. Much of the dream was in German,
so there was a lot that I didn't understand. smiley - erm

At the end of the dream, Otto Frank married on
of Captain Von Trapp's daughters, so that would
mean Ann Frank would have been a member of the
Trapp Family Singers had she survived the war. smiley - yikes

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 23

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

That's funny because I was at an art museum today and I saw a portrait of Ann Frank.

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 24

Lady Scott

If your dream was partly in German, are you sure you weren't interfering in someone else's dream? smiley - winkeye

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 25


There must be a name for a psychiatric condition where your subconscious can speak German but you can't...

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 26

Pandora...Born Again Tart


Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 27

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - rofl

My subconscious also speaks Japanese when it
wants to really confusalate me. smiley - erm

I have given up trying to figure out what my
dreams mean, apart from the obvious things
like the Indians' right to blame us for ruining
our environment.

When I dream about other Hootooers, it just means
that I've been online too much smiley - online2long.

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 28

Lady Scott

.... Sweet dreams...

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 29

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Yeah. smiley - erm

smiley - yawn

Fortunately, I kind of enjoy the weirder dreams
once they're over with. I don't realize they're
just dreams while I'm dreaming them. smiley - sadface

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 30

Shea the Sarcastic

I heard that if you're wondering if you're in a dream or not, try reading something. You can't read in your dreams, apparently. smiley - book

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 31


If you're having a lucid dream, surely there are far more interesting things to do than reading a book.smiley - winkeye

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 32

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I hate it when my dreams involve choosing something
from a menu in a restaurant. The menu never looks the
same way twice. smiley - erm

Also, when I dream about being a scientist, my notes
always end up hopeless. smiley - sadface

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 33

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Actually, one can read in a dream. "[A book] can symbolize knowledge, wisdom, or the intellect. It may also say that you are more concerned with theory and opinion then with putting what you know into practice. A book may represent a record of the story of your life. Mystical Meaning: Shun evil in all its forms if you dream of old books, say the ancient sages of dream lore."

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 34

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

One way to be certain you are dreaming is to try adn read somethin. IF the text changes every time you look at it, you are dreaming and can begin lucid dreaming.

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 35

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - biggrin

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 36

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

I forgot last night's dream because of a rude awakening by a fly. It landed on my nose, then mouth and was giving my fly kisses! DAMN THE FLY!!!

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 37

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Is that what's called kissing on the fly? ;-?

smiley - rofl

Otto Frank and the Von Trapp Family Singers sell their silverware

Post 38

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

I am writing this shortly after having the dream:

Before I went to sleep, I made myself think of mansions. As I slept, I dreamed that late one blustery evening, I and two friends (unknown IRL) snuck into the dark and crumbly manor of some really rich guy who owned cats. It was much like Satis House in Dicken's Great Expectations, but without the rotting food. After sneaking up the stairs, I was nearly caught in the dinning room, so I crawled on the floor to the end of the corridor, servants rooms. In the one I chose to hide in, the electrick light was on, so I shut it off but could still see. The walls had slats but no plaster and I could see the storm outside that had been brewing when I came in. I looked about the room, which was filled with gardening equipment. After a while, I left and headed down to the kitchens by the service entrance. Though I briefly encountered the master of the house and some cats, I did not see a single servant. In the kitchen, there was a great vat of fermenting grass in the center of the room, and a mooing cow standing on a table.

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