This is a Journal entry by GreyDesk

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 61

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I think you are probably right at least insofar as the states is concerned.

In Europe however the move has deffo been toward decriminalising the possesion of small amount of narcotics.

Portugal, Switzerland and somewhere else have all done this in the last few years.

I personally think it is inevitable that within the next 30 years possesion of small amounts of cannabis will no longer be a criminal offense at least in the UK.

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 62


Except you still have to buy the stuff from criminals, FB.

Not something I'd ever feel safe doing, even if I wanted to.


Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 63

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

There's the problem - buying the stuff makes otherwise law abiding citizens *into* criminals. Where can anybody draw a comparison between morality/immorality and criminality when decent people are criminalised?

Human beings have, to the best of my knowledge, always taken drugs. It's a naural thing to do. The amount & concentration of the drugs have changed incredibly (there's a big difference between chewing a coca leaf and snorting a line) but that's a different issue.

And as for banning Mushies. Really, what harm did mushies ever do anyone? (with the exception of stoopid people taking far too many, and those people are why the Darwin awards exist!)

We need education and moderation, not yet more legislation.

And if you need to relax *do not* take ketamine. It's really not good for peace of mind!

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 64

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Indeed, I feel that perhaps in western europe the move will be toward increased toleration of small users of "soft" drugs like pot. But we shall see.

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 65

McKay The Disorganised

Ah - you 'll mean apart from a friend of mine who had an allergic reaction and threw himself into the canal ?

If you buy drugs, you're dealing with criminals, if you're dealing with criminals you're supporting extortion and murder.

Yes it really is that simple.

smiley - cider

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 66

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Your friend could have had an allergic reaction to pretty much anything. That's why these things shouldn't be marginalised & criminalised. As I said, education rather than legislation. We (as a race) take drugs, surely it'd be better if we knew what we were taking and how we'll react to 'em than taking them blind, from criminals, and having to deal with the tragic consequences you mention.

One thing it is not is simple.

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 67

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Yeah really that simple.

So if you have a hippy friend who grows his own pot and you buy a bit off him how exactly have you supported extortion and murder?

Sorry McKay I often disagree with what you say but I always respect your thinking. THat statement from you is one of the most ill thought out peices of rubbish I have ever read on here.

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 68

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Also if this is the case does it logically follow that it is the purchasing of drugs that does this? Surely you can argue equally that it is government prohibition of the trade that causes this.

McKay have a look at say the alcohol industry pre, during and post prohibition in the states.

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 69

McKay The Disorganised

Actually I am in favour of the legalisation of the drug industry from the point of view of safety and control - as well as removing the criminal element.

Of course your friend isn't supporting the drug barons - if you use him exclusively that is, nor is my friend who cultivates it for MS.

However most class 'A' drugs are imported/manufactured by serious criminal gangs - not some dodgy bloke in the pub - who's probably a mule - but hard-core profressional crooks.

smiley - cider

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 70

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

As an aside, take a look at my journal, 5/9/05. Guess what? A close friend died of the heavy s**t. I'm under no illusions about the dangers, but also know that 90% of my friends dabble to some extent with various stuff. If the government (or rather the apparently influential Daily Mail reading part of the electorate) choose to create a situation where this necessitates dealing with 'the underworld' so be it.

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 71

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Sorry McKay, simulpost.

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 72

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

THing is I am convinced that huge proportions of the DM reading reactionary crowd probably do do some drugs.

Recreational cocaine use amoungst middle class proffesionals is widespread.

McKay I dont buy any drugs anymore, but I was making a point. I rather imagine that a huge amount of "green" pot that is smoked in the uk these days is from small scale "home grows" in fact I think I read some stats about it on the BBC News site recently.

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 73

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

"However most class 'A' drugs are imported/manufactured by serious criminal gangs - not some dodgy bloke in the pub - who's probably a mule - but hard-core profressional crooks."

True I know, but is this because of clubbers buying pills or because the government prohibits the trade? I know it is a bit chicken and egg but if you look at the States and "prohibition" like I said it might give you a damn good idea.

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 74

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Which suggests that the "homegrown" proportion is about 2.5 billion a year. Roughly half the overall trade.

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 75

McKay The Disorganised

That's why I'd legalise it - we can't pretend its not there and its going to go away.

Let alone the farmers in Columbia for whom its a normal crop.

Legalise it - control it - tax it. It'll lose a lot of illicit appeal and it should save the health service millions.

Of course the health service is currently saying it won't treat smokers, or alcoholics, or obese people - yet it will continue to treat drug addicts.

Is there a hole in my logic somewhere ?

smiley - cider

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 76

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Nope, merely hypocrisy in the health service. But that was your point wasn't it!smiley - doh

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 77


It's not necessarily hypocricy, roymondo. Do you really think most governments have as much cash flow as organised crime?

Anyhoo, I agreed with McKay even before he posted smiley - winkeye

Legalise it, tax it (think of the gov't revenue!) and make it as safe as possible. At least as safe as single malt whisky.


Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 78


Um, this is the sort of question that normally makes people raise their eyes to heaven and say "Oh for goodness' sake" but I truly don't know and surely 45 is old enough for people to stop "protecting" one's innocence...

What are Mushies? (sounds a bit like marshmallows smiley - drool)

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 79

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

The hipocrisy being 'we'll take he money from smokers but won't treat them'.

I'm getting a litle squiffy now (legal JD & coke) so had better butt out before ranting ensues!smiley - biggrinsmiley - drunk

Coke adds life? Yeah, like f**k it does

Post 80

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Mushies are Magic Mushrooms. Psylocibin (sp?) are the most common indegenous UK mushies, but there are also Fly Agarics (very, *very* dangerous) and various South American varieties. I've heard Mexicans might be fun but I can't comment as this is a BBC site.smiley - winkeye

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