This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 61


Don't suppose it'll make much difference once the poltergeists start tonight smiley - ghostsmiley - laugh

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 62

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I fell asleep on a bookshelf once (worked in a library). It wasn't so bad.

But I'm glad you solved the couch problem. As far as the messy desk goes, if you're in for the penny you might as well be in for the pound.

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 63

Malabarista - now with added pony


Haven't budged much from the couch since, after piling it with blankets and duvets.

Almost ready to go back to bed already, though. smiley - laugh Sheesh! I have things to get done, and I'm not getting around to any of them. smiley - cross

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 64

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - groan i know the situation all too well

but hey, if the w*rk does not go away it's a sign that it could wait, no? smiley - zen

smiley - pirate

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 65

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm glad to hear you're taking it easy and getting some rest. If I could only help you with getting some of that work done, I would.

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 66


I hope you have a recovered at least a little by now Mala.
Sorry to read about all this. Not only the threatening experience, but about the doc at hospital (what the hell do they think? that one has no other passtimes then to sit around in waiting rooms ???)

And I hope the other results will be with you ASAP (and not later than a fortnight from now).

smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 67

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

One last thing... If you get it happening to you again, call an ambulance. Perhaps if they see you in that state they may be able to diagnose and/or treat it or at least tell you waht's going on.

smiley - goodluck

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 68

Malabarista - now with added pony

Well, I was prepared for the wait. It was the third time (within the space of two years! smiley - doh) that I was there waiting for the neurologist. They only have one on duty, and that's not a lot for a city of 350,000 people plus surrounding towns. It stands to reason that she has to attend to the stroke victims first!

Not sure about calling an ambulance, though. smiley - laugh If they don't take me seriously either, it might have unpleasant consequences.

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 69


smiley - huh they'd haul you off to the asylum in a straight jacket? smiley - tongueincheek

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 70

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

it's a catch 22 situation: if you are well enough to call an ambulance you probably don't need one smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 71

Malabarista - now with added pony

Exactly. smiley - laugh

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 72


You undoubtably wouldn't get one if it was from Milo minder-binder enterprisessmiley - laugh

Thank you for observing all safety precautionssmiley - cool

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 73

Malabarista - now with added pony


Battling Halloween Demons

Post 74


A nefarious character from Catch 22 smiley - ok

I'm going outside now, I may be some time smiley - brr

No doubt that will delight everybodysmiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 75

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I mentioned Catch-22 to a 25-year-old coworker, and he said, 'Huh?'

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 76

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh I'm merely terrible at names.

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 77

Malabarista - now with added pony

After two days of doing very nearly nothing, I seem to be returning to my normal state of being. smiley - puff

However, since Wednesday night I've had this odd feeling in my legs and especially my arms - they'd been kind of achy for weeks, like I was running a fever, but now it's... hard to describe, really. Like when you lift weights to total failure, and the muscle recovers, but it still feels like it will be shaky or weak when you lift things up again, even if it isn't. If that makes any sense.

Any of you smart people out there know how to make it go away? smiley - laugh It's annoying me.

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 78

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - sadfacesmiley - cheerup poor yousmiley - hug

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 79

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Whatever it is causing that weak feeling, I hope it clears up soon.

Battling Halloween Demons

Post 80


Shakey, weak, feverishness and aches and pains are just God's way of telling you that you are still alive smiley - cheerup

Try a smiley - stiffdrink or I find aspirin always work well for mesmiley - ok
Each individual, I think, finds their own cures for things, we are all unique - thankfullysmiley - cool

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