There is Nothing

Welcome Alice in wonderland ~ if you are not Alice in wonderland click here. (But beware ~ who know's where you'll end up?)

"I sqil through spqce on dqrk energy seqs: ?y electro ,qgnetic field sqils propel ,e; ,y blqck hole grqvity hull keeps ,e qfloqt on the surfqce of spqce; qnd allozs ,e to direct the solqr energy: I nqvigqte by the stqrs: The heqrt of ,y ship is q sun:"

  • Name: EMFSail
  • Function: Electro Magnetic Field Sail
  • Consciousness: AI
  • Type: Component
  • PartOf: Stellar Dentrite, Tardis class IG Dimension Craft
  • Status: Fictional
  • Job: Dimension Craft Motor Drive
  • Special Skills: Gamma Plasma Storm Gravity Wave Surfing.
  • Partners: {array}0.QSHull(AI);1.FRDrive(AI);2.CMHBMonitor(AI);3.Autopilot(AI)(See Ozric Tentacles ~ A19289262);4.RSpiders(sAI)5.UCComputer(AI);6.Clock(AI);{/array}
  • {addmSoc}Personality Traits. ~ saraleffery.{/addmSoc}

If in doubt, procrastinate untill the decision becomes obvious.

"Behind every good conspiracy theory is a bad joke."

"The most intelligent thing you can do with an IQ test is not take it."

Nothing lasts forever.

Nothing is everything.

Nothing really matters.

We start with nothing, and we end with nothing.


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Researcher U7065736


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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