CFAPSE ~ Semi-Automatic Defribulation

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Having studied and practiced this module, in the case of team intervention, you will be able:

  • To recognise situations which demand the administation of oxygen.
  • To prepare, put to work, to effecuate and monitor the administration of oxygen in a victim by inhalation or blowing.
  • To effectively practice within the team, artifical respiration with equipment and oxygen associated with CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resusitation).
  • To effectively practice effective cardio defribulation with a Semi Automatic Defribulation machine.
When? ~ In the presence of a victim in cardiac-arrest.
How? ~ By accomplishing CPR with oxygen, and by utilising the DSA (Defribulateur Semi Automatique).
Why? ~ Activating CPR (RCP) and DSA as soon as possible increases the chances of the vicitms survival.

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