Created | Updated Apr 7, 2007
CFAPSE stands for 'Certificate de Formation aux Activités de Premiere Secours en Equipe' which in the English language translates as 'Certificate of Training in Activities of Team First Aid'. It is a basic component of the skill set required to become 'Sapeurs Pompiers' or 'Firemen'.
In order to qualify for this course, you first have to have you AFPS or 'Attestation de Formation en Premiere Secours' which in the English language means your 'First Aid Certificate'.
The following are English translation notes to the CFAPSE field guide, "Premiere Secours en Equipe" or "Team First Aid".
Team Frist Aid ~ Premiere Secours en Equipe
L'équipe de secouristes | ~ | 01 The Rescue Team |
Le bilan | ~ | 02 The Report |
Les Transmissions | ~ | 03 Radio Transmissions |
Les dégagements d'urgence | ~ | 04 Emergency Displacement |
Les positions d'attente | ~ | 05 Waiting Positions |
Les relevages | ~ | 06 Lifting Victims |
Le brancardage | ~ | 07 The Stretcher |
Les hémorragies | ~ | 08 Bleeding |
Les plaies | ~ | 09 Open Wounds ~ Cuts |
Les Brûlures | ~ | 10 Burns |
La libération des voies aériennes | ~ | 11 Liberation of Airways |
La ventilation artificielle avec matétiel | ~ | 12 Artifical Respiration with Material |
L'oxygénothérapie | ~ | 13 Oxygen Therapy |
RCP ~ La réanimation cardio-pulmonaire | ~ | 14 CPR ~ CardioPulmonary Resuscitation |
La défribillation semi-automatique | ~ | 15 Semi-Automatic Defribulation |
Les immobilisations | ~ | 16 Immobilisations |
Did you know that the english SOS call "Mayday" comes from the french "m'aidez" meaning "help me".