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Gerda Started conversation Mar 21, 2007
hi emf sail i love your random rabbit-hole.
an omen? first hit was the gardening page- my hobby!
may i add you to 'friends'
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Alyx Posted Mar 30, 2007
hi emfsail, i'm feeling much calmer now, and less paranoid, now i've changed my name. i've put you on my new list of friends, still love the random rabbit hole. come over for a some time, i'm gonna need some help with next o.u. assignment, planning the website, need some ecodudes to run by my ideas
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EMFSail Posted Apr 8, 2007
Thanks for dropping by Alyx ~ sorry you've been feeling the piercing stare of the dragon ~ paranoia, ah my old friend. Remember, just because your paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get ya! I like to think of it as growing pains for the brain ~ the philosopher's rights of passage or something... keep on thinking ~ especially on the environmental issues. If you're doing some more o.u. stuff, why don't you post it's content up as an entry, I'd be happy to take a look at it. If you polished it up you could submit it for peer review ~ but then noone would look at it (oh! ho! ho! ~ just joking) Did any of that last stuff on websites make any sense to you? Thanks again for droping by ~ If you drop by in the future and I'm not in, key's in the flowerpot ~ beers are in the fridge, tea and coffee in the cupboard (you can't miss the kettle) ~ just help yourself ;~)
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Alyx Posted Apr 8, 2007
thank you darling, and my door key is just inside the catflap...
yes, i thought i could do the text part as an entry, then just add some pics for the minisite on o.u.
i was abit scared by the page of geekspeak (no insult intended, its such a descrpitive phrase!) and didnt read it properly yet. i'm still trying to get my message board habit under control, i'm down to about 3 hrs a day now when not working!
have you been having fun in r.l. last week? a belated happy equinox!
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EMFSail Posted Apr 8, 2007
Don't worry about the geekspeak ~ html is easy! So you've caught the hootoo bug
~ spending all your time hosting parties
and making new friends
~ no time for proper research
~ well you only live once eh
. er...
where's r.l? ~ i'm'fraid you lost me there
sailing by
Alyx Posted Apr 8, 2007
you werent in for a few days,...sorry being nosey.
i've been celebrating equinox/oestre/easter, now i have to pay..driving next week, 0300 start
as for studying, had a week off, now i shall get on with it again.
i'm keen, ill be a before you can say
sailing by
EMFSail Posted Apr 10, 2007
Ah, r.l = religious leave? ~ well I'm not really religious although I do believe in god. Still, if other people want to celebrate their religion with a day or two off I'm all for it.
By the way there's nothing wrong with being nosey, they call it lurking here, even have an official society for it
. At the end of the day they designed the site to be seen by everyone so they can't really complain if people go and look can they.
Do you drive for a living, or are you just leaving early to get home after your hols?
sailing by
Alyx Posted May 3, 2007
rl; real life
are you nearly back yet? shall i put the kettle on?
yes i drive commercial vehicles, part time, mostly artics but sometimes the bin wagon which is stinky fun
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