Journal Entries

Adventure ahead!

smiley - boing

Off I go! May be a little time before I can go online again, but I'll be back soon to report on my smiley - cool new life as a student.

smiley - boing

smiley - run

Gotta pack the last things together...

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Latest reply: Mar 31, 2006

On the move

smiley - smiley I've noticed something...when you get to leave your stuff behind, there's just *you* left. smiley - ermsmiley - laugh I mean, it became somewhat clear to me how much we (well, I smiley - laugh) define ourselves through our things, stuff, clothes, furniture, fancy gadgets, posters, little memorabilia etc. And what is left when you take all that away? I definately don't like the thought that I might be a boring person without my things. smiley - smiley I liked to decorate my room in a way that would be interesting for people visiting me, but isn't that just image? Image is nothing, thirst is everything smiley - laugh or what was that comercial? Oh and one of my favorite movies, American Beauty: Kevin Spacey shouting: "It's just a COUCH! This isn't life, this is just stuff." True, I think. Maybe.

I'm curious now, when I leave my image somewhat behind when I move in two weeks time - will I be open to persuasion/suggestion more than before? It was something like a comfort to have a set image. smiley - erm And will feel lost? Probably. And after that has gone away...will I be closer to the true *me*? We shall see. I think it's time I give a little more attention to my diary, to keep analysing myself and look for changes and their causes.

Oh, and totally different subject: Let's all hope that demonstrations in Belarus tonight will be peaceful. smiley - sadface I'm scared that there might be terrible violence by the police and military. smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Mar 19, 2006

Friday (couldn't think of a subject)

smiley - whistle *babble, chat*

I got a fancy new mobile today. Sony Ericsson K700i. I know it's not *the* latest, but I didn't want a contract, and couldn't afford an even fancier one that's prepaid. Now I can take photos! smiley - biggrin

I also got my mp3-player changed at the store (didn't tell them that I had bought it more than a year ago...smiley - evilgrin), so I've got a fully functioning thingy again smiley - biggrin

And I'm appartment-hunting. I've only written e-mails so far, haven't brought myself to call the people smiley - blush Does anybody know a trick to overcome shyness for a couple of seconds, so that I can dial? Sounds stupid smiley - blush, but I really am avoidant.

It's a bit much at the moment to organise, if I could choose, I would take a little break, and then carry on with responsibility. smiley - erm Yes I know, who can do that, nobody can, right. But I'm treating myself still carefully, not asking too much, just little steps, I'm still feeling like in a recovery phase.

smiley - smiley I think I'm going to get my hair cut tomorrow..smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Mar 3, 2006

Mixed Feelings

smiley - ermsmiley - smiley I have some mixed feelings today. Hmm smiley - erm well, yesterday was the day of mixed feelings, actually, today I haven't woken up yet smiley - sleepy

After some weeks, I invited my best friend Sabrina again yesterday. I have a very complicated relationship towards her. I'm always looking forward to seeing her, but the meetings are a bit disappointing, I think for both of us. I am terribly anxious to bore her, so I get very tense. Only after some time I start to relax, and start to talk. I keep very quiet at first, with anyone. It hurt that she told me what to do (talking about university), always saying "what, you haven't done this and that yet?! Better hurry!" I had a plan and was feeling good about it, but she made me all nervous and feeling inferior. I don't think she knows how she can hurt me. I don't show it, too.

Yeah, well, we went out, drinking cocktails, and to the cinema. We watched "Memoirs of a Geisha", that was so beautiful! Wonderfully atmospheric, beautifully photographed. And incredibly foreign and strange.

Before, in the bar, Sabrina and me, we were laughing and talking, having lots of fun. We share a lot of private jokes and memories, I know what makes her laugh, and we can get to a level of sillyness, unlike with anyone else I know. On the way home we're always quiet. I didn't quite know if she liked the film, so I was scared to say something wrong again, in case she might laugh at me. I hate nothing more than being humiliated and laughed at.

I gave her a copy of The Smiths: "The Queen is dead", which I guessed she would like, because it's so excentric. I had asked her to give me a copy of a cd of hers: Fleetwood Mac "Rumours". I had heard the song "Dreams" a while ago on the radio, and wanted to have it on cd. So, last night when Sabrina was away on her way home, I listened to "Rumours" and was hit by a wave of memories. I was instantly transported 10 years back, when we were kids, sitting in Sabrina's room, listening to the oldie-radio playing songs of the 60s, or listening to Beatles, Cat Stevens and Fleetwood Mac records of her father (without understanding a single word of Englishsmiley - laugh). I had completely forgotten about the song "You make loving fun", and it's such a joy to hear that now again. Very nostalgic, to listen to songs you haven't heard for years...during a time in your life that will never come back. I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't want those times to come back, but it makes me sad, nevertheless smiley - erm

smiley - musicalnoteI never did believe in miracles,
But I've a feeling it's time to try
I never did believe in the ways of magic,
But I'm beginning to wonder whysmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Feb 18, 2006

Bavarian Bachelor

smiley - wow That was quick, rejection was yesterday, admission today!

It's official, I'm becoming Bavarian! smiley - bigeyes I'm going to move to the lovely(?) little town of Passau, on the border to Austria. About 650 kilometers from my hometown smiley - bigeyes Oh, now I'm getting all nervous...smiley - bigeyes

My course of studies has the overwhelming title "Bachelor in Governance and Public Policy - Staatswissenschaften" smiley - tongueout And it's a mixture of Politics, Sociology, History, Economics and Public Law.

Excited! smiley - wowsmiley - bigeyes

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Latest reply: Feb 9, 2006

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