This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Premod for Life??

Post 9941


Time is running out. We're surely in a position now where we won't haggle. smiley - erm

We have the cash. A good signing at slightly over the odds is still a good signing.

Sign those two lads even at outrageous rip off prices and we'll still have cash in the bank after all the sales.

And for political reasons spending serious cash would be a good move. People are getting suspicious that the club isn't in as good a financial position as it claims.

LB. CB. DM. And we'll all be happy.

Right? smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9942

McNamara That Ghost

I'd be ok with that. I think we need more but the main thing for now is to get players that allow us a good base to work on. smiley - grr

Then in January we can get the flair players, if we want. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9943


Blimey, that was quick. smiley - erm

Premod for Life??

Post 9944


We're not desperately short of flair.

We can use the January window to sign people to replace all our injured players. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9945

McNamara That Ghost

I forgot about that Jack. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9946


Just for a moment I thought I was out of premod.

No such luck.

Almost eight months now. smiley - grrsmiley - grr

Anyway Mac, things are so bad at Arsenal that I don't even feel like laughing at Spurs. smiley - sadface

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9947

McNamara That Ghost

That's how cruel the football gods are. They give us a 1-5 to laugh at, then they make us get hammered 8-2. smiley - sadface

And I was watching it with a Man Utd fan. I mean for god sake. smiley - grr

I can still chuckle because even when we're near the relegation zone, they're still below us. smiley - ok

Premod for Life??

Post 9948


The Football Gods are easily the most evil of all gods.

But at least with Spurs around we know that the lowest we can ever get is second last in the league. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9949

McNamara That Ghost

It is reassuring to know their role of always being around to amuse us is still intact even now.

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9950


Some things never change, Mac.

At least we can say our humiliation was the result of having a gazillion players missing. They have no such excuse. They're just Spurs being Spurs. smiley - ok

Nice to know that our local rivals will never overtake us. If only Manchester United could say that. But they can't because David de Gea will make sure that Citeh win the league. smiley - whistle

Premod for Life??

Post 9951

McNamara That Ghost

A miserable time to be supporting a red team then Jack? Citeh winning the league is going to make me feel pretty sick. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9952


Money talks, Mac.

When a club can pay its players 200 grand per week league titles are an inevitability. smiley - sadface

It's morally wrong. smiley - grr

Unless Arsenal are ever in a position to do it, of course. smiley - erm

Premod for Life??

Post 9953

McNamara That Ghost

Then we'd just have to accept it Jack. I mean at least we can say we already won things doing it the 'hard' way. smiley - whistle

Premod for Life??

Post 9954


In the meantime Mac, we'll just have to point out that regular fourth place finishes with our resources is a much greater achievement than all the trophies City and Chelsea are hoovering up with the GDP of Germany. smiley - grr

So we can still consider ourselves superior. smiley - ok

But trophyless. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9955

McNamara That Ghost

That's right Jack. Superior but trophyless. smiley - ok

Although I wouldn't mind being inferior and erm trophied.


Post 9956


This post has been removed.


Post 9957


Now what???? smiley - grr

Debating the merits of cash rich sheiks against those of low-spending billionaires from the New World is against the rules??? smiley - grr


Post 9958

McNamara That Ghost

I'll make an assumption that you're doing one now Jack, given the mods can't be bothered to wake up. smiley - grr

Have a good one. smiley - ale


Post 9959


I'll be gone in five minutes, Mac.

See you tomorrow. smiley - ok

Premod for Life??

Post 9960


Morning. smiley - ok

It's only Tuesday. This week feels like it's lasted for years already. smiley - grr

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