This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Premod for Life??

Post 9921

McNamara That Ghost

smiley - sadface

Premod for Life??

Post 9922


I concur, Mac. smiley - sadface

I was expecting a trouncing but when I saw the team I figured an annihilation might be on the cards. And so it proved.

But the only way is up, eh?

smiley - grr


Post 9923


So even the mods are out enjoying the bank holiday then?

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9924

McNamara That Ghost

Only way is up? Possibly but we have to endure the internationals now, where we get more injuries.

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9925


I know, Mac.

Van Persie will get injured obviously. That's a tradition. smiley - grr

But so will half a dozen others.

And if we did make a major signing over the next couple of days you can be sure he will immediately wreck his cruciate in a match against Belgium or Sierra Leone before he ever kicks a ball for us. smiley - grrsmiley - grr


Post 9926

McNamara That Ghost

You have enough bank holidays in Ireland Jack.

smiley - grr


Post 9927


You can never have enough bank holidays, Mac. smiley - grr

I see Le boss didn't waste much time shipping Traore out after yesterday's debacle. He was so bad he may even have cost Tony Cascarino his job on Sky. smiley - grr

Poor old QPR. smiley - erm

Premod for Life??

Post 9928

McNamara That Ghost

Jack, you're right. We need to sign them and just say they have a hamstring injury, let's face it - it'll be believed somebody did it just from doing the medical at ours. smiley - ok

Premod for Life??

Post 9929


I'm sure whoever it is will break their arm signing the new contract anyway. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9930

McNamara That Ghost

I don't understand what Cascarino was trying to say? Traore had a mass genocide? smiley - erm

Our squad is undergoing a mass genocide. smiley - grr

Jack, they'll also rupture an abdominal muscle putting the shirt on. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9931


Was he trying to suggest that Traore was as likely to repel Nani as Anne Frank was to repel the axis forces that were invading the Netherlands? smiley - erm

I dunno. If rubbish English is a sackable offence then he should go. But Paul Merson would have been sacked years ago if that was the case. smiley - erm

I went with a classic today, Mac. In times of stress always stick with what you know best. That's my motto. smiley - ok

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9932

McNamara That Ghost

You just came up with that line then. smiley - grr It's a good one to live by though. I did in fact had a classic too.

This is true about Merse but he provides the comedy aspect that Cascarino does not. You can see why Sky might want to hang on to that for their serious football programmes. smiley - erm

Premod for Life??

Post 9933

McNamara That Ghost

I did in fact had? I've contracted the Cascarinos. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9934


It's always a good idea to have a Premier League pundit who can't pronounce foreign names. smiley - ok

And I suspect he doesn't know the meaning of either grammar or syntax. smiley - erm

Perhaps the part of the brain that deals with such matters were destroyed during his wild years.

Premod for Life??

Post 9935

McNamara That Ghost

He has trouble pronoucing English names. smiley - grr

I guess that's why he is kept on, he's a perpetual reminder on what might happen if you enjoy drink and drugs. Scary thought.


Post 9936


This post has been removed.


Post 9937


What on earth? Have you gone crazy mods??? smiley - grr

Trust me, Mac, that deleted post was completely harmless. smiley - grr

Anyway, who are we going to sign beore the window closes apart from that Korean chap?

My prediction is.....


smiley - sadface


Post 9938

McNamara That Ghost

I don't doubt you Jack, they definitely have it in for you. smiley - grr

Going to sign someone Jack? It seems we need to sell five players before we think of buying anyone.


Post 9939


That certainly seems to be the case. smiley - sadface

In an ideal world we'd get Cahill. I don't honestly think he's THAT much better than Koscielny but even a small improvement is welcome.

And what happened to our allegedly massive bid for that M'Vila chap? It seems to have died a death. Don't know much about him to be honest but it sounded like he was just what we were looking for.

And with Traore being turfed out on his ear surely a left back is essential. Because relying on Gibbs for an entire season just won't work. smiley - grr


Post 9940

McNamara That Ghost

I don't know much about him, supposed to be a powerhouse that can pass but I don't think we've got enough time to haggle which we surely will. smiley - grr

Cahill is ok but he his influence is going to be overrated based on his nationality. Still, at least it would be one of our first choice targets that we actually end up getting for once!

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