This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Premod for Life??

Post 9961

McNamara That Ghost

Morning Jack. I'm going to go food shopping soon, I think I will be getting lots of comfort food. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9962


Mac, you'll need so much comfort food that you'll end up looking like Pavarotti. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9963

McNamara That Ghost

If it gets me through the season, it'll be worth it. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9964


You'd still be in good enough shape to get a game at CB though. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9965

McNamara That Ghost

And any other position.

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9966


Let's just go to the Emirates with our boots, mac. We'll walk into the team. I might be 47 but I never played on a team that conceded eight before in my life so I'd obviously be an improvement on Traore, for instance. smiley - grr

And as for that debutant who never touched the ball as far as I know I'm sure we could both do better than him if we played blindfolded. smiley - grr


Post 9967

McNamara That Ghost

I'll be back in an hour.

smiley - grr


Post 9968


An hour? Good timing, Mac. smiley - ok

I was on a tea break that turned into an epic, mostly because the United fans were telling the lone City fan in the office that his team were going to win nothing this year.

As a City fan he's not giving to making rash predictions. He expects disaster more than glory. And he doesn't really want to hear positive stuff about City in case it jinxes them. So he didn't want me telling him that the only difference between United and City is that City have a good keeper while United have a bloke who makes Almunia look like Gordoan Banks. But I told him anyway. Because it's true. smiley - grr


Post 9969


We're in advanced talks with Mertesacker apparently.

I get all jittery when I hear stuff like that. If I heard that we'd actually signed him I'd be thrilled but hearing that we've nearly signed him raises the prospect that we won't and then we'd end up playing the rest of the season without an adequate partner for Vermaelen. smiley - grr


Post 9970

McNamara That Ghost

You see Jack, if we had that money there's no way we'd be that negative. smiley - erm

I think it's more Man Utd fans don't want to believe Citeh might win something, again this season. smiley - ok

Me too, in truth. Having said that, it is possible they might not qualify in their Champions League group.

Speaking of which, I like our tactic of bidding a huge amount for Borussia Dortumund's best player, real nefarious stuff there. smiley - ok


Post 9971


Have I missed something, Mac?

Who are we trying to prise away from Dortmund? smiley - erm


Post 9972

McNamara That Ghost

Mario Gotze, apparently. With the accents above the second o, that is.

Extremely talented playmaker and he is 19. I just can't believe we'd ever bid 35m euros for anybody.

Premod for Life??

Post 9973


Oh right, I assumed that was just paper talk. Did we really bid that much?? I mean...really? We are Arsenal after all. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9974

McNamara That Ghost

It might well be, maybe Wenger fell asleep and accidentally pressed 35 on the keyboard. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9975


Maybe he meant to press the 35 but accidentally put M after it.

Face it, Mac, it's far more likely that we would bid 35 euro for a player than 35 million. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9976

McNamara That Ghost

True Jack, true. I can't see why we have such problems signing players.

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9977


Me neither Mac. And I don't know why players prefer playing for Manchester City or Chelsea instead of Arsenal when the only difference is a trifling 90 grand per week. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9978

McNamara That Ghost

Trifling is right Jack, I mean really, what can you do with an extra 90k a week?

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9979


Nothing, Mac. smiley - grr

It's pointless. smiley - grr

If you dropped 90 grand you'd hardly bother picking it up. smiley - grr

Anyway, time for some chicken. smiley - ok

Premod for Life??

Post 9980

McNamara That Ghost

It's like pennies. smiley - erm

Enjoy the chicken Jack. smiley - ok

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