This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4641


smiley - laugh

Right of to get a brekkie roll with a smiley - friedegg

Food of the gods when your feeling the way I do smiley - laugh

smiley - dragon

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4642


Hello all!
Happier bunny sorry if I've put a downer on it last few times I've been around smiley - hug
As it will be smiley - rainbow (thats morning by the way) by the time you read this how about a smiley - tea and smiley - cake to make up? Does anyone have contact with Dev? If you do could you give my mobile number please? Holly and Booti have it xx xx

Wheres the princess and Captain lately, not necessarily (sp) putting them together just noticeable in absence!
Is everyone still on the pub site?

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4643


Hi Dee smiley - hug

I'm still here, although this thread is no longer used, the rest have gone off on some pub thread so dont really speak to them now!

Hoep you are okay stranger! smiley - smiley

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4644


I am relentlessly here, but been away for the last week or so.


smiley - boing

smiley - boing

smiley - boing


(the dog has staggered upstairs and can't get down....again. Its going to be an interesting morning!)

smiley - smiley

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4645


Morning smiley - smileycarol, Dee and smiley - discosmiley - diva

to your smiley - dog carol.

smiley - dragon

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4646


Morning ladies. Soupy - you stayed a little later last night - howzat?
Got caught in the frenzy smiley - laugh

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4647


Talking of dogs I watched Doggy Borstal last night - I love watching the owners get trained and corrected.smiley - laugh

This lady had a Sharpei that dominated her - what a stong beast.
The trainer, Mick, said "On a scale of 1 - 10 for my favourite dog to train I'd say Number 1 German Sheperd and this thing..............about 948 - it's a Chinese fighting dog - his brain is programmed to fight"

Sorted it though smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4648


Hi Scooby I was working late last night as OH was at home with the

Yep got caught in a cross fire but I am more than able for them and had my tongue plonked firmly in my cheek.

As if I would condone breaking into anyones property - even if they do deserve it smiley - tongueincheeksmiley - tongueincheek

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4649


I just hope it doesn't dominate the news all day every day smiley - sadface

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4650


Morning morning morning!!

The smiley - dog is home alone this morning and feeling very sorry for herslef...bless her!

Did I miss something on CB last night????

smiley - smiley

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4651


Hi Carol - The ongoing story of infidelity smiley - erm

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4652


Just to clarify I do not condone breaking into peoples houses.

Just incase any one takes me seriously smiley - grr

Or putting kippers in the curtain rail.,

Or phoning naughty phone lines and leaving the phone of the hook.

Or firing anything through the letter box.

It was merely some light humour to cheer a virtual friend up smiley - grr.

Please do not take me seriously smiley - rofl.

PSD <smiley - winkeye.

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4653


Why, does anyone? smiley - laugh
smiley - hug

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4654


PSD and serious.....words never to be used in the same sentence!!!!

smiley - rofl

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4655


smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - dragon

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4656


Hello soupy, carol and scooby smiley - hug

How are you all?

Since I've been dumped and replaced by Holly I don't post anymore...rude, isn't it?!!

Working in a sharedealing environment is hell at the moment....I need a holiday somewhere....Bahamas would be nice smiley - cool

Are you all meeting up this Sat? smiley - bubbly

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4657


Hello smiley - diva lovely to hear from you!

Men can be so cruel!!!!

I am not going on Saturday a bit too far away from me!!!

I bet working life is hell at the moment for you!!! Its a bit odd for me too but fluctuates a lot!

Dev ventured on and said hello a few weeks ago but we haven't heard anything since....its not the same without her!!!!

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4658


Some of us are meeting up this weekend smiley - diva

I dont think you have been dumped - he was dreaming of you yesterday and he talks about you frequently smiley - loveblush

In fact I would say that now you are on he will probably turn up soon with not a smiley - grr in sight smiley - winkeye.

Are you coming to Manchester?

smiley - hug

smiley - dragon

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4659


Hi, you too! smiley - hug

Poor Dev....I really hope she is okay smiley - sadface

It's okay, Captain is a ladies man, I am resigned to that now! smiley - rofl

Am moving desks this weeks so can get the chance to post a bit more....have missed you all smiley - smiley

Miss the old days on CB too! Whatever happened to Booti?

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4660


Sorry soupy, cross post! smiley - hug

I didn't realise Manchester was this weekend! smiley - yikes

I've got VIP tickets for some club near me now, my friend won them so I won't be able to make it I'm afraid!

I'm sure you'll all behave impeccably though smiley - devil

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