This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4661

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Printsy isnt dumped. smiley - grr

She's the love of my life. smiley - grr

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4662


Yeah- until next time smiley - grr

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4663

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

As if! smiley - rofl

You're all mine. smiley - grr

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4664


I agree smiley - diva

It was great before everyone dispersed!!!!

I haven't seen booti for a whil either but I think she has a new job.

Hello Captain

smiley - hug

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4665

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Hello Carol!

How you doin, it's been ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4666


yeah yeah flirty one! smiley - grr

So no Dev and no Booti now...or Chinch?

Do you still post on CB Carol?

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4667

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I check on the cb sometimes, dont know anyone though so too scared to post.

Damn my shyness. smiley - grr

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4668


A year older my dear smiley - winkeye!!!!!

Yep smiley - diva I do, although a little sporadic sometimes!!

Chinch is still there!

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4669


Captain and shy.....again....words never to be used in the same sentence!

smiley - rofl

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4670


Chinch is still there and in good form.

I still post there but not so much as my work are getting verry peed off with dossers sitting on the internet all day smiley - biggrin.

Also getting a bit peed off with some of the people there smiley - grr.

But some of them are lovely so still go over now and again to make mischief smiley - devil

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4671


I check on the cb sometimes, dont know anyone though so too scared to post.

I'll look after you smiley - smooch
smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4672



or should I say smiley - blacksheep

smiley - rofl

Are you up for adopting smiley - diva too?

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4673


Scooby wonders if he's lovely smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4674


smiley - blacksheep

are you confused or living dangerously?????

smiley - diva is the Princess who is of course lovely in everyway (just ask tha Captain!!!)

And you appear to have just smiley - smooch the Captain who is of course lovely too but you may wish to express that in more manly terms!!!

smiley - rofl

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4675


....and you are lovely too smiley - blacksheep

Thtas quite enough of that for one day!!!!

smiley - rofl

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4676


I was reflecting on Soupey's remarks smiley - cool

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4677


Its not you who is annoying me Scoobs on the whole they are a good lot but there are one or two who when I see them turn up just leave.

And that is enough said as I dont want to cause an opnionated arguement about freedom of speech and freedom of the chatboard and BBC.

All right Mods smiley - ok

smiley - dragon

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4678


I will go back to the corner and put the dunces hat back on then!!!!

smiley - rofl

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4679


I know psd smiley - hug

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4680


Morning I think smiley - doh

Hope everyone is well smiley - hug

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