This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4681


MORNING smiley - holly

How are you? Its lovely and sunny over here. I am just having toast and smiley - coffee want to join me.

Only two more days TO GO

smiley - dragon

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4682


smiley - dragon

Would love a smiley - coffee hun smiley - hug

Roll on saturday, I can't wait smiley - bubbly

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4683


Morning smiley - dragonsmiley - holly

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4684


Morning all
Two day s to what Soupy - the weekend or something nicer?

Oo - doc's at 8.50 dentist at 11 - great start.

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4685


Morning smiley - blacksheepsmiley - hug

Foodie meet up in Manchester on Saturday smiley - bubbly

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4686


Ok for some smiley - sadface

Foodie meet up?
No alkyhol then?

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4687


smiley - yikes No alchohol dont but scare the bejesus out of me of course there will be copious amounts of alcohol and some curry smiley - bubbly

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4688


Afternoon all smiley - smiley

Don't know if all of you heading to Manchester already know or if i'm doing my usual of stating the obvious but there is a big food & drink festival on when you's are there.... i think it's at Spinningfields which isn't far from Akbars.....smiley - ok

Anyway HIYA!!! smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - monster x

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4689


I know smiley - smiley I printed a money off voucher for Holl & me at Ha Ha'ssmiley - biggrinsmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

If Holly is about...I've forgot my phone today, it's at home on chargesmiley - erm

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4690


No prob Purp smiley - hug I'm in and out but def going to book us somewhere tonight hun smiley - bubbly

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4691


ooooh purps where did you get the voucher smiley - whistle

we're going down the week after now to see SIL & go to the festival smiley - smiley

Would have been better if i could have had curry with you guys but at least i get to go sample free food & drink!! smiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - bubbly

smiley - monster x

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4692


Hol, I think the guys want to go to Rusholme for curry lunch, it's up to you but I fancy staying in Manchester & I've printed us a £10 off at Ha Ha's & fancy some foodie(& retail) shopping, so maybe a dinksmiley - bubblyor three then shoppingsmiley - bubbly

Get droped at mine & H can take us into manc if it's easier?

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4693


Go to Ha Ha web site, fill in your e-mail & get a voucher, £10 off a meal for twosmiley - biggrin It's real nice food toosmiley - smiley

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4694


Purp I'm happy staying in Manc for lunch hun smiley - hug I'll give you a call tonight to sort out the details smiley - bubbly

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4695


I've hears SIL mention Ha Ha & think MIL went there with her last time they were down.... when we went we couldn't resist Gourmet Burger Kitchen mmmmmmmm........!

I can't wait to go back down smiley - biggrin

You will have to make sure you's aint had too much smiley - bubbly before the festival so you can tell me all the good bits to visit!! smiley - winkeye


Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4696



and how did you lovely people fare in Manchester at the weekend?????

smiley - smiley

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4697


Morning Carol smiley - hug

Have caught up with you on fb smiley - winkeye

Nice and sunny here, not for long no doubt smiley - rofl

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4698


Morning Hollysmiley - hug

Glad you are feeling better.

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4699


Morning Purp smiley - hug

Thanks for your Company and care hun it was much appreciated smiley - laugh

Poor hotel staff smiley - whistle

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4700


Morning both, and thanks Holly I got there in the fangled technology!!!

smiley - doh

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