This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The Sick Bay

Post 4741


I'm not going to Manc tomorrow, maybe Cheeky is?

The Sick Bay

Post 4742


I think its Cheeky that is going to Manc tomorrow.

I am not smiley - ill or even smiley - hangover - in fact I am so fine I am munching a bacon buttie smiley - laugh

smiley - rofl

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

so no smiley - pirate or smiley - doctor

smiley - dragon

The Sick Bay

Post 4743


smiley - doh

The virus has spread to my brain obviously smiley - doh

Where is the smiley - doctor I need help smiley - rofl

The Sick Bay

Post 4744


Maybe gone off in his smiley - tardis although he will be smiley - grr at that as he is not impressed by Dr Who.

Possibly coz the real smiley - doctor is a lot better looking smiley - tardis

The Sick Bay

Post 4745



Like the new name.

Hope other than that you're all doing well.

smiley - bluelight

The Sick Bay

Post 4746


Morning all smiley - ok

Well well BBT - how goes the job and married lifesmiley - smooch

smiley - blacksheep

The Sick Bay

Post 4747



Helloooooooooooooooooo and welcome back. Hows things? smiley - hug

Mornin smiley - blacksheep

The Sick Bay

Post 4748


Morning all smiley - hug

Hope you all had great weekends smiley - bubbly

The Sick Bay

Post 4749


smiley - rofl

Morning All - had a good weekend although to much smiley - stiffdrinks on Saturday - went to bed for half an hour woke up ten hours later with a smiley - hangoversmiley - laugh

smiley - dragon

The Sick Bay

Post 4750



On a day's holiday todaysmiley - smiley think I'm getting the lurgysmiley - wah

Time forsmiley - teasmiley - cake

smiley - fullmoon

The Sick Bay

Post 4751



Cheezy if you are on holiday why are you up at this time. I would still be in bed smiley - zzz.

Cold and wet over here - really dark day smiley - groan.

smiley - dragon

The Sick Bay

Post 4752


Hubby had to be deposited at Park & Ride in time for him to get to work for 8. The local bus into town does not always turn up.smiley - erm

The Sick Bay

Post 4753


New job(s) big special one doesn't stsart until next week but the one keeping things ticking over for the time being is okay. Not my dream job but I'm quite enjoying it.

As for the other, don't ask. It's gone bad. Very.

Anyone up for random drunkenness in my area any time soon?

smiley - bluelight

The Sick Bay

Post 4754


Oh BBT - what's happeningsmiley - smooch

The Sick Bay

Post 4755


Hi BBTsmiley - hug

The Sick Bay

Post 4756


The f*cker beat ten shades of sh*t out of me Friday night for no apparent reason. He doesn't get a second chance to do that. Ever. I'm out. Me and my truck are fecking off to wherever just as soon as I've cleared all debts.

Sorry that the first time I'm online in weeks I had to come and dump that on you all but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHH.

The Sick Bay

Post 4757


Oh BBTsmiley - hug

Never happened before?
So where are you now?
Who have you got to go to?

The Sick Bay

Post 4758


Never happened before - believe me, I would have walked straight away.

I'm crashing on my sister's sofa for now but I'll be heading home tomorrow. I suppose when I say I'm out I really mean he's out - and not allowed back. Nice policemen said so. I hereby take back every sarcastic oinking noise or comment about the smell of bacon that I may ever have made in my youthful ignorance.

The Sick Bay

Post 4759


I'm so sorry hun.
At least you've taken positive steps and aren't saying "It'll blow over". A push or shove or smack is one thing but a beating is unforgiveable.
And being sloshed - don't know he was - is no excuse because it shows you have the capacity to do it.
How did he explain himself?smiley - hug

The Sick Bay

Post 4760


If you're still ther BBT hope you're ok.
Otherwise sleep tight smiley - hug

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