This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The Sick Bay

Post 4761


Massive smiley - hugs to you BBT and good on you for making a quick decision and sticking to it. No-one should have to put up with that ever...there are no explanations

smiley - hug

The Sick Bay

Post 4762


Morning guys.
What a shock and what a shame.
Hope BBT is ok and does the right thing for herself.

The Sick Bay

Post 4763


Jesus BBT just caught up with this - smiley - hugsmiley - hug

Dont let him in your life again as it will happen again - for once listed to the nice erm smiley - tardis person!!! smiley - laughsmiley - bubbly

Her take smiley - panda for a cuddle up at night to!!

smiley - dragon

The Sick Bay

Post 4764


Never being one to give up easily .......

smiley - boing

and good morning!!

smiley - smiley

The Sick Bay

Post 4765


Good Morning smiley - smileyCarol smiley - hug

did you have a good weekend?

Have you heard from BBT again?

smiley - dragon

The Sick Bay

Post 4766


Not bad PSD.....CFH is away visiting a friend in Germany. School were none too impressed but hey....I could have lied and said her was poorly...others do, and it was ONLY two days out of school....I feel like a naughty school kid myself!!! (hangs head in shame smiley)

Nothing more from BBT since last week. Hope she is ok

smiley - smiley

The Sick Bay

Post 4767

smileycarol have mail

smiley - smiley

The Sick Bay

Post 4768


I havn't been over here for a while... I read BBT's news though & got her email addy from pops... I sent her an email but havn't heard back - if anyone hears from her could you give me a shout - I'm a little worry wart!!

smiley - monster x

The Sick Bay

Post 4769


Since she left the old job she posts very infrequently - libraries etc.
I think last week was sis's house.
She's had a few E's from us so she knows she's being thought about.

smiley - blacksheep

The Sick Bay

Post 4770


True smiley - blacksheep I'm just a little worrier - i get that from my mum smiley - doh

Sooooooooooooooooo... i'm relying on you lot to keep me awake 2day!!smiley - tea anyone - my boss is making some smiley - biggrin

smiley - monster x

The Sick Bay

Post 4771



Hope that keeps you awake Cheekysmiley - run

The Sick Bay

Post 4772


smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz

smiley - tongueout

smiley - monster x

The Sick Bay

Post 4773


MAybe the smiley - choc and sweeties that are on my desk will wake you up Cheekysmiley - smiley

The Sick Bay

Post 4774


smiley - yawn Oh hello glitter bug.... what's that on your desk there? Virtual sweets don't have any calories either so if you're offering smiley - winkeyesmiley - ok

smiley - monster

The Sick Bay

Post 4775


Morning all smiley - hug

I'm incapaciated to say the least and it has nothing to do with smiley - redwine for once!

Fell down the stairs yesterday morning and cracked my coccyx (aka monkey tail) the pain is not something i can put into words! The only good thing is the amount of codeine I can take, therefore getting the feeling of being smiley - drunk without spending money!

Oh well best go and get ready for work slowly, the joys of being a boss smiley - grr

I've got someone scouring the surrounding area for rubber rings/tyre inner tubes for me to sit on smiley - grr

Catch you all later smiley - biggrin

The Sick Bay

Post 4776


Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow that is one of the sorest areas to hurt!

I hope the smiley - doctor has been good to you!!

I was having a good day till I realised that I had left fifty euro I won in an office bonus ball draw on my dressing table. Being the good wife I am I rang home to say don't spend it, I won it, I am using it to pay the catalogue.

Get a lecture on how we are skint and should use that money to spend on us i.e. smiley - redwine I says fine I won it you take it and spend it all you want smiley - steam.

Get a further lecture so texts to say get that fifty euro you lent your mate in May that you have never bothered collecting!! smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

The Sick Bay

Post 4777


smiley - holly OMG that sounds painful here have these smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cheerup at least the painkillers are helping you hun!!

smiley - dragon You are having a great start to the day aren't you smiley - hug would you like some smiley - tea or smiley - coffee

At least you were trying to clear a bill with the money - sheeesh smiley - doh

smiley - monster x

The Sick Bay

Post 4778


smiley - coffee would be lovely.

I am particularly peed off as I am very much an advocate of spend it on Alcohol!!! But thought for once I will do the right thing and not say a word smiley - grrsmiley - grr

The Sick Bay

Post 4779


Here you go smiley - coffeesmiley - coffeesmiley - coffee those should keep you going for a wee while!!

I'm planning a no booze week smiley - biggrin

How long will i last?

Cancelled our gym membership last week..... we weren't using it enough & it was nearly £50 a month.... OH is building a wee weights gym in the garage... apparently i'm only allowed to use it when he's there... you'd think he seems to think i'll do something daft smiley - whistle


The Sick Bay

Post 4780


smiley - dragon i though i was just overly suspicious..... was finding things getting overly dramatic lately...


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