This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The Sick Bay

Post 4821


smiley - cuddle to both of you!

But at least its Friday!

smiley - hug

smiley - smiley

The Sick Bay

Post 4822


Morning All smiley - hug

smiley - coffee and smiley - friedegg sarnies anyone?

I have the dentist at 1000 just a check up and scale and polish though smiley - biggrin

The Sick Bay

Post 4823


Dont mention dentists <yikes I ended up at emergency dentist last week as I thought I had lost part of my tooth, it turned out that it was a piece of plaque and I had a scale and polish which I hatesmiley - blush

I've got to go back to Docs again in another two weekssmiley - doh

The Sick Bay

Post 4824


Are you ok Cheezy?

(tell me to mind my own business if you like)

If its blood pressure related we can form a club!!

smiley - winkeye

The Sick Bay

Post 4825


smiley - boing mornin all smiley - smiley

smiley - hollysmiley - cuddles for you - hope you feel better soon hun...

I am smiley - zzz but smiley - biggrin coz it's FRIDAY!!!!

How's you big sis?


The Sick Bay

Post 4826


I went a couple of weeks ago as I was having ahem problems after my stomach upset a couple of weeks previously. My blood pressure was checked and as usual it was high.

I was supposed to be taking meds about two years ago but at that time could not afford to buy them so stopped taking them.

So I am back on blood pressure tabletssmiley - sadface

The Sick Bay

Post 4827


smiley - hug cheezy... hope the meds help & are worthwhile smiley - cheerup

I have low blood pressure which can be fun sometimes smiley - doh i get dizzy spells & see stars sometimes smiley - sadface not fun but nothing serious & no meds to take unless it get's worse.... it only really gets bad if i'm too stressed!

When i wrote my car off nearly 2 years ago the paramedics took my blood pressure & couldn't believe it was reading 'normal' smiley - rofl

Hope you feel better soon smiley - cuddle

The Sick Bay

Post 4828


Hello cheezy smiley - hug
Why would you have to buy medication at the time?

smiley - blacksheep

The Sick Bay

Post 4829


I was temping at the time and wasn't eligible for any benefits.

The Sick Bay

Post 4830


Not on NH from GP?

smiley - blacksheep

The Sick Bay

Post 4831


Nosmiley - wah

The Sick Bay

Post 4832


But if it gets to the point when I'm using all sorts of medication again (which I think I will) I'm going to do that pre pay thing as it will be cheaper in the long run.smiley - smiley

The Sick Bay

Post 4833


Cheezy smiley - hug

I know how you feel! Mine keeps going up and up I am on new meds cos the others didn't agree with me (oh yes we did...oh no you didn't!) smiley - blush

Friend of mine has told me how her aunt who has VERY high BP has tried the thingy with very high cocoa solids chocolate (sainsbugs have a good deal at the mo. (TTD bars with 5 smaller bars inside 125g total for 59p at present) It bought hers down enormously so I am trying that as well. can't be bad!!!

smiley - smiley

The Sick Bay

Post 4834


CHOKALITTsmiley - ok

Low BP, spots and a floppy belly.
I got 1 out of 3.

What's TTD bars Carol?

smiley - blacksheep

The Sick Bay

Post 4835


Taste the Difference!!!

and you are only meant to have one of the tiny bars a day (25g i think it works out at) so shouldn't get spots or a flabby(er) belly

smiley - rofl

The Sick Bay

Post 4836


Don't get lippy - younger sis is listening and I'm having enough probs with her recruiting becka to the dark side smiley - cool

The Sick Bay

Post 4837


smiley - rofl

Ah the younger generation eh??? You need to put your foot down with a firm hand!!!!!

smiley - rofl

The Sick Bay

Post 4838


Or my hand down with a firm foot smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

The Sick Bay

Post 4839


The Sick Bay

Post 4840


smiley - whistle even smiley - doh

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