This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The Sick Bay

Post 4781


I had suspicions but it was Purps who said to me in Manchester that she didnt believe.

If you do the maths she took up with her OH when she was 14 and he was 18 which I believe is still illegal.

She is now with a fella she was with before she went out with the other OH - so how old was she - 12!!!!

I also notice that she has thrown the rattle out of the pram and legged it. Just as it was turning into Shameless!!!

I could be wrong but I know I am not the only one thinking this way!! smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

I mean smiley - grr

Spitting fire going now smiley - dragon

The Sick Bay

Post 4782


What the hell have I missed again smiley - doh

The Sick Bay

Post 4783


You really don't want to know smiley - holly

How you feeling smiley - cuddle

The Sick Bay

Post 4784


Hmmmmsmiley - erm

The Sick Bay

Post 4785


what's up glitter bug?

The Sick Bay

Post 4786


I think Soupy may be right.

The Sick Bay

Post 4787


Go to E

The Sick Bay

Post 4788


The postman has beensmiley - winkeye

The Sick Bay

Post 4789


smiley - boing

Morning all....I have been at my desk since 7am smiley - zzz

The Sick Bay

Post 4790


Morning smiley - smileysmiley - hug

What the hell where you doing there at that time smiley - doh

I've hardly slept all sodding night so I'm well crammed and tired smiley - grr so much so I'm refusing to go into work today I've got someone to bring work to me smiley - doh If I'd any sense I'd just go back to bed smiley - laugh

How are you hun?

The Sick Bay

Post 4791


Hello smiley - holly

Feeling guilty cos I am off again at 3 this afternoon. Going to London with OH and Mum to see Jersey Boys(?)I think that's what its called!

If I get in at 7 and work through lunch then I have done my hours...not that we do flexi time!!!! Not that I have a lot to do either!!! Sitting here for 7 hours trying to eek the work out is not too much fun...I would rather be busy or at home doing the things I never housework!! smiley - rofl

My Aunt did her coccyx a few years ago....ooooh painful. Have you found a rubber ring yet?

Quite right make them bring it to you!!! No point being the boss otherwise!!!

The Sick Bay

Post 4792


Ah that explains it, I thought it was a bit too much dedication smiley - rofl

I managed to get hold of a rubber ring yesterday but it punctured within 3 hours so I'm on the lookout (well not me personally!) for a tyre inner tube which apparently should be a lot stronger smiley - laugh

I've just been thinking about getting work sent home, I must be simple if anyone else is off sick they don't work from home it's the codeine affecting my very few brain cells smiley - rofl

The Sick Bay

Post 4793


So much little work!!!!!

smiley - rofl

The Sick Bay

Post 4794


smiley - rofl

I agree smiley - smiley

Work will probably arrive and be put to one side while I spend all day messing about on mb's smiley - rofl

The Sick Bay

Post 4795


Looks like I've made the right decision it's gale force winds and hailstones out there smiley - grr

The Sick Bay

Post 4796


Morning All smiley - hug

smiley - holly you missed a difference of opinion on the Chatterbox yesterday. Its a very difficult one to take smiley - erm.

Imagine getting work sent home smiley - grr I mean can understand getting drink sent in, but work sent home - smiley - yikes

I am beginning to sound like the Cap'n erm smiley - doctor

smiley - dragon

The Sick Bay

Post 4797


smiley - rofl

Too right smiley - dragon

Didn't bother with red wine, just took loads of codeine instead and didn't do last nights work so I need to finish that before they bring more smiley - grr

Got too involved watching the footie whilst led in bed eating crisps smiley - biggrin

The Sick Bay

Post 4798


Good morning
Holly I have sent a whoopee cushion in post to you smiley - hug
You'll see just above that I asked Glitterbug (Cheezy) to go to Email to talk last night.
That was not to gossip about the good people on here but to keep the other matter off of here. smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

The Sick Bay

Post 4799


Very diplomatic smiley - blacksheep

smiley - smiley

The Sick Bay

Post 4800


I wondered how Glitterbug found us - although its common knowledge that this thread is running and people do drop in from time to time that are not regulars if you know what I mean.

But to be honest Scoobs you and glitterbug (why do I keep thinking Gary Glietter) are not the only ones emailing.

smiley - dragon

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