This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4701


Holly - Purps just told me - bummer smiley - hug

Or is it all getting a bit to much these days smiley - devil

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4702


Never smiley - blacksheep never smiley - laugh

Hope you're ok smiley - hug

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4703


I'm fine thank you.

How come soupy hasn't surfaced?

Did you manage a curry or meal of any kind?
I'm sure you managed a smiley - bubbly or two!!

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4704


Soupy has surfaced but we are at peak season at work and the phone is hopping and I was late in.

smiley - hug

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4705


Well do tell when you have a moment. smiley - cheers

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4706


Morning, no hangover for the second day running smiley - doh

I'm losing my touch smiley - wah

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4707


Morning smiley - holly

Is that your liver I hear????

smiley - rofl

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4708


Morning smiley - smileysmiley - hug

Quite probably hun, it's just not cricket being sober for 2 days smiley - doh

Are you ok?

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4709


Fine thanks, just bracing myself for another day of boredom!

Then its back to the vet with the dog!!! Bl**dy expensive squirrel that turned out to be and she didn't even have the sense to kill it!!!

smiley - rofl

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4710


Morning Well I had a cwap morning.

No hangover OH woke me at three singing to the dog.

Got up this morning and my 15 year old cat had died of a heart attack.

We think by the look on her face she was fighting with the dog. So just had to bury her. In this hissing rain.

smiley - dragon

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4711


Don't have cats Soupy but smiley - hug all the same.

Morning all.
I have relegated myself to wine and soda of an evening smiley - wah

smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4712


Hello everybods! How are we all?

Sorry you had bad start to the day soupy smiley - hug

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4713


Well hello stranger!

How are you?

smiley - smiley

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4714


Not too bad smiley - smiley and yourself?
Why has the Captain changed his name?

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4715


I am good thanks!

I have no idea...he is a law unto himself!!!

smiley - smiley

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4716


Thanks for all the hugs - much appreciated its been a pretty miserable morning for me but never mind.

I have no idea why the Capn changed his name I have been working most of the morning so lurking and not paying much attention.

smiley - coffee and i think.

smiley - dragon

Hugs for

Post 4717


Does that work???

Hugs for PSD

Post 4718


Apparently not!!!!

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4719


He's not Hades by any chance is he?
Perhaps my hug was too traumatic smiley - laugh

Anyway damn civil of him to let us in.
smiley - blacksheep

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4720


Nope smiley - blacksheep I think not!

He is a decent sort though

smiley - hug

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