This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4621


That is lovely I have the Sulks and dragonlets names in Japanese on my feet Although one is spelt wrong and my sons name is a bit different as the Japanese dont use the phonic L so had to adapt it to R.

Sulk has our autographs on his elbow which is ususual.

smiley - dragon

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4622


Misheard lyrics Soupy.

For ages my BiL used to sing Jackdaw to the BeeGee's Jive talking.

Cheeky I don't do tats especially names. Mind you, in Chinese is clever just in case.smiley - blush

A friend of mine was married almost 30 years when his wife left him for an unemployed drunk she met on internet. He remarried and the new wife had the same name.
Now THAT's handy smiley - ok

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4623


Morning all

smiley - boing

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4624


Mornin smiley - smiley

smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

You still feeling poorly? Good weekend hun?

smiley - cheerup

smiley - monster x

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4625


Morning smiley - monster

I am feeling better but my voice is still bad!!!

I think I strained it last week!!!

smiley - rofl

Its sunny here today Yay!!!

How are you smiley - monster?

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4626


Glad your at least a bit better smiley - smiley

I'm feeling very smiley - yawnsmiley - zzz

Where'd the weekend go? smiley - grr

We went to friends on sat night & didn't go to bed til after 3.30am...then the people next door started banging about doing DIY at 8am... spent most of yesterday semi awake smiley - rofl went to bed at 10pm & conked out... woke at 1.30am lights still on & a lovely untouched mug of cold tea beside me!! Brushed teeth, lights out & straight back to sleep for what felt like 5mins then the alarm went off!!

Lookin forward to training 2night tho!! smiley - somersault


Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4627


Morning All smiley - cuddle

Cant believe that it's Monday all ready smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

smiley - coffeesmiley - cakeandyone?

smiley - dragon

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4628


I know what you mean smiley - dragon

Thanks for the smiley - tea it was perfect... and the smiley - cake did you bake it yourself? smiley - rofl

smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz

smiley - monster x

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4629


Hello all!

smiley - hugs to those poorly

I am a busy bunny, gone full time for the time being til OH gets a job again.
It's ridiculous, we have to keep the elf in nursery full time or he loses his place but we dont qualify for help with tax credits as oh is there and can look after him even though he has to go look for work and may be offered next day start, its a flipping merry go round! We want to work but get a kick in the teeth when we try!

Hmmph rant over! Sorry

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4630


Hi Dee smiley - hug Its a blooming nightmare isn't it?

Morning chaps!

smiley - smiley

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4631


smiley - hug for Dee... sounds like catch 22 as always when you're trying to do the right thing!

smiley - hug for big sis... hope you're feeling better 2day hun!

smiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - tea anyone?

smiley - monster is smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz


Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4632


Morning all,

smiley - coffeesmiley - cake here catch .

In Ireland you have to pay for the child care if you work are the State owned nurseries are few and far between. Over the summer I was paying 200 per week for my kids to be minded smiley - steam


Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4633


smiley - friedeggsmiley - friedeggsmiley - friedegg

smiley - flan

smiley - dragonsmiley - rofl

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4634


smiley - friedegg
back at ya soupy!

Feel like theres a satellite delay or something smiley - sadface

I'm here and thinking of you all even if I do come on at totally unsociable hours!

Seen most of you about but no Dev, or am i just not catching at the wrong page?

Anyways, will be a bit early by the time you lot read this but smiley - alesmiley - bubbly and never to early for smiley - cake its chocolate with Choccie butter icing and sprinkles

smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle to all

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4635


Hi Deedee,

Dev was made redundant so is not posting from work anymore smiley - wah.

Chinch and Purple Luv are on holiday so its a bit quiet all round.

Thanks for watering my plant on FB back the way I always forget about it smiley - laugh.


Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4636


smiley - boing

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4637


Mornin smiley - smiley

How ya doin 2day?

I'm smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz as always!

smiley - monster x

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4638


smiley - boing

Sorry smiley - monster we had an inspection of our offices yesterday and I couldn't get back on. I won't be here all day today either cos I am off on my hols on Sunday! Well a few days away at least!!

Hows you???

smiley - hug

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4639


Morning All,

smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Its Friday smiley - biggrin and I have a smiley - hangover

smiley - dragon

Hugs for Smiley Carol

Post 4640


Morning PSD!

smiley - hangover eh???

Now thats unusual!!!

smiley - rofl

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