This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4561


Morning smiley - monster

Still groggy I am afraid with very little voice. I think I sound like a bloke and all the men are smiling benignly cos they think it sounds sexy!!!

How the heck do I only sound sexy when I feel like poo!!!

smiley - rofl

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4562


smiley - smiley make the most of a bad situation then carol smiley - winkeyesmiley - devil

smiley - rofl my voice has been weird aswell... OH thought he was going to get peace & quiet too coz it nearly vanished but since i started taking couch bottle it's getting better smiley - biggrin

Here you go big sis smiley - tea that should help you smiley - hug

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4563


Cheeky, stop spreading rumours about me smiley - cool

I'll stop you using the car smiley - laugh

smiley - blacksheep

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4564


smiley - whistle erm... sorry smiley - blacksheep i was really just concerned about you.... it must have sounded wrong on the post smiley - whistle

I've posted a nice message for you on CB smiley - biggrin

Here - have some smiley - ale too smiley - smooch

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4565


Teasing you silly - it did have a smiley on it smiley - hug

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4566


smiley - devilsmiley - blacksheep

tut tut!!

OH just text me saying he is having half day.... off home to paint the fence smiley - smiley although slightly worrying that he said if he doesn't get out of work he may kill someone... smiley - yikes

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4567


Morning allsmiley - zzz


Another rainy daysmiley - sadface


I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4568


Rainy ain't the word smiley - wah

smiley - blacksheep

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4569


smiley - erm

it's quite smiley - cool sunny here....

smiley - cheerup scoobs

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4570


Its WET WET WET here in good old Huntingdon!!!

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4571


On a course and have been banned from posting except during tea break and lunch time.

Wonder how long that will last smiley - devil.

See yah later smiley - hug

smiley - dragon

Oh and its hissing down here.


I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4572


Wondered where you were PSD!

Is that a ban for the duration of the course or forever???

smiley - smiley

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4573


Carol - I just E'd you

(Anyone wants mine just say)

smiley - blacksheep

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4574


Responded smiley - blacksheep

smiley - winkeye

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4575


Go on then smiley - blacksheep

I havn't been brave enought to post my email on here smiley - erm

smiley - ale for you pops incase you're getting withdrawals

smiley - rofl

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4576


As you're my flesh and blood
[email protected]

If you don't want to post yours on her just E me if you want.

I will have a smiley - ale later but Mrs Scoobs will join (chauffer) me as she is finishing early

smiley - blacksheep

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4577


I shall gargle with razor blades!!! Just to keep the voice!!!

Might have a few smiley - bubbly and smiley - stiffdrink over the weekend though!

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4578


You have mail smiley - blacksheep

smiley - biggrin

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4579


Well it is a well known fact smiley - smiley that ackyhol kills all known gerbs... smiley - rofl honest!!

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4580



Morning all

smiley - fullmoon

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