This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4541


Just had a phone call from a friend back home.

My friend who has terminal cancer has been taken back into hospital with fluid on the lung.

He only just got out last week for the same thing. He is very very poorly and we are all worried about him

Princess is watching you................................BB style

Post 4542


Not anymore, I have noticed that smiley - blacksheep sadly it has not always been so!!!

Not that optimistic smiley - blacksheep as far as I can see it just helps investments buyers buy more cheaply! Still you never know....its a strange world out there.

PSD...sorry to hear you news smiley - hug

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4543


smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug Soupy.... hope things improve hun...

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4544


Thanks for all your kind words folks smiley - hug

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4545


smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - hug
for Soupy

Gosh CB is quiet - to the pub methinks.

Ai'nt seen no nasties in evening on CB as far as I can remember.
Flipping loads on food threads though.

smiley - blacksheep

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4546


I know what you mean smiley - blacksheep there are some serial 'snappers' out there!! along with those who love to lecture.......I find it best to read and move away!!!! Most folk are pretty reasonable though.

I wonder where Chinch is today...its certainly quiet without her!

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4547


I was thinking that too smiley - erm

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4548


smiley - bluelight

Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa! smiley - evilgrin

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4549


smiley - wah

I am smiley - ill

I want to go home!

Sniff sniff

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4550


smiley - smiley awwwww hun!! smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug and here's a smiley - tea to heat you all up!!

i have the lurgy too so you can still be my friend smiley - winkeye

I am sporting some bruises today - ain't they cool?!?!smiley - rofl

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4551


smiley - monster

smiley - hug

thank you

smiley - bluelight Heeellllloooooo

how the devil are you?

whats happening?
smiley - smiley

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4552


here we are
smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

smiley - bluelight - you haven't had the sack have you?
How is it so far?

smiley - blacksheep

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4553


smiley - bluelight oooooh!! I missed you there!!

How are you hun? Miss you!!smiley - sadface

smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4554


Thanks smiley - blacksheep

It was my boss that named me plague dog....thats all the sympathy I get

smiley - rofl

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4555


Awww smiley - smiley that's not nice....

mine just tell me i have the lurgy smiley - erm

Need to go get more cough bottle at lunchtime - it tastes yuk!!

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4556


A friend of mine knocked back a whole bottle in a business meeting.
He had a sort of dopey happy look smiley - laugh

Careful driving Cheeky.

smiley - blacksheep

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4557


smiley - blacksheep who told you about my driving then?! smiley - rofl

I'll be fine.... i'm a tought lil ninja remember even though i can hardly move my left leg & arm!! smiley - erm Need toughening up again!!

Anyone want anything from shops....?

smiley - monster x

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4558


Won't be starting until probably October.

Had interview earlier for something else to tide me over until I get my first pay cheque through - start that one on Friday.

smiley - cheers

smiley - bluelight

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4559


smiley - bubbly

Good news smiley - bluelight

Morning shirkers everywhere!!

smiley - boing

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4560


Mornin smiley - smiley

have you seen CB.... pops may have a bit of a sore head 2day me thinks!! smiley - rofl

How you feeling today hun? I'm a bit better but freezing!!! smiley - brr

smiley - monster x

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