This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4501


Captain, proposal smiley - whistle

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4502


Who smiley - whistle

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4503


I want to marry you smiley - biggrin

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4504

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The ex wife of course. smiley - whistle

We might possibly get remarried, cool huh?! smiley - blush

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4505


Holly lives just north of Khatmandu smiley - loveblush

What a blinder by TLJ on CB smiley - biggrin
smiley - blacksheep

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4506


Nope smiley - rofl

Only just seen you there smiley - dragon Afternoon hun, same old I see smiley - rofl

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4507


Afternoon smiley - blacksheepsmiley - hug

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4508


Afternoon all just got into work so only just posting now.

Been chasing the blooming hound all weekend smiley - grr need to get my fence all built up but she has managed to concoct an escape route out of the back garden and over the shed smiley - grr

So a virtual marriage between smiley - holly and the smiley - piratesmiley - whistle

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4509

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

smiley - dragon are you not reading my posts?!! smiley - whistle

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4510


smiley - dragon

Virtual, not if I have anything to do with it hun smiley - rofl

Us women always get our own way smiley - winkeye

Dust off your bridesmaid dresses girls smiley - rofl

Captain you wouldn't object would you smiley - erm

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4511

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

But ive promised myself to Prinsty already now!!smiley - bluelight

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4512


So if there is going to be a wedding then there will just have to be a hen night smiley - handcuffssmiley - bunnyears

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4513


Too right smiley - dragonsmiley - rofl

Captain please unpromise yourself smiley - grr

We're already arranging the hen do smiley - rofl

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4514


smiley - dragon

How do you fancy here for the hen do smiley - winkeye

We could combine it with the food meet up smiley - rofl

The Wedding March LOL !!!!!!!!

Post 4515


Thought it would be fitting to change the name PMSL smiley - biggrin

Naked Dusting and Drinking like Carol does every day!!

Post 4516

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The hen night can still go ahead! Printsy's gonna need one too and i cant think of anyone better to organise it than you lot. smiley - whistle

The Wedding March LOL !!!!!!!!

Post 4517


If we are having the hen night in Manchester with the foodiemeet up then that gives the Capn an excuse NOT TO COME smiley - grr

Also it would mean that Lardboycurrymonster and Ainsley O naan would have to get dressed up as bunny girls and well I dont think well I dont know if they well smiley - ermsmiley - whistle

I am not going to go there - LBCM in suspenders smiley - yikes

The Wedding March LOL !!!!!!!!

Post 4518


smiley - dragon

smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

You have a very valid point hun smiley - whistle

We'll have to have 2 do's then smiley - bubbly

Holly is upset cause of Captain - sniffle, sob, sniffle, sob

Post 4519


smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

Noone has ever turned me down before smiley - sadface

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

Holly is upset cause of Captain - sniffle, sob, sniffle, sob

Post 4520


Well Hol- Captain WAS mine....YOU stole him from ME!!!

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