This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Holly is upset cause of Captain - sniffle, sob, sniffle, sob

Post 4521

Devonian Fossil

Hiya, not here for long, how's everyone, what have I missed since I've been a member of the great unwashed?

smiley - cheers

Holly is upset cause of Captain - sniffle, sob, sniffle, sob

Post 4522


What you doing Dev?

Did I miss you leave?

Holly is upset cause of Captain - sniffle, sob, sniffle, sob

Post 4523


Just wanted to be the first this morning!!


smiley - rofl

smiley - rofl

smiley - rofl

Holly is upset cause of Captain - sniffle, sob, sniffle, sob

Post 4524


Morning Carol!

Holly is upset cause of Captain - sniffle, sob, sniffle, sob

Post 4525


Work callssmiley - run

smiley - fullmoon


The Captain is a heartbreaker!

Post 4526


Morning Cheezi

smiley - smiley

Bloomin Hangovers

Post 4527


Morning All smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

smiley - hug

smiley - dragon

Bloomin Hangovers

Post 4528


Hello everyone smiley - hug

smiley - run

smiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - tea

Bloomin Hangovers

Post 4529


Well hello smiley - diva

long time no see!!!

smiley - hug

Bloomin Hangovers

Post 4530


I know! smiley - hug

I'm not allowed to post at work now smiley - wah

Only posting now because I'm not in til later today!

How is everyone?

I see Hol and Captain have been having an affair in my absence..... smiley - rofl

Bloomin Hangovers

Post 4531

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

We were not!

Only got eyes for you. smiley - blush

Bloomin Hangovers

Post 4532


Shocking eh?

The man is just a trollop (sorry Captain)

To be fair though he was talking of being re-united with you only yesterday!!

Hows things?

Princess is watching you................................BB style

Post 4533


smiley - run

Princess is watching you................................BB style

Post 4534


Yes not too bad thanks, work more rubbish now I'm under constant surveillance smiley - grr

Have been on early shifts all last week so am pretty shattered!

Princess is watching you................................BB style

Post 4535


Our numbers are severely depleted now....we are shadows of our former selves!!

On the plus side the moaning Minnie's seem to have dispersed....failing one pot shot a couple of weeks ago!!!

smiley - rofl

Princess is watching you................................BB style

Post 4536


Who was that?

The original moaning minnies?!

Princess is watching you................................BB style

Post 4537


The very same!!!

Dropped a stroppy one on here a few weeks back!!!

All quiet now though! and much less *itching on the CB in the evening too. can't be bad!

Don't think you have met Scoobs yet....he is a hoot!! and tends to adopt folk a lot!

Morning Scoobs smiley - hug

Princess is watching you................................BB style

Post 4538


Hi smiley - diva lovely to meet you!!

smiley - smiley how are you 2day?

smiley - monster x

Princess is watching you................................BB style

Post 4539


Hello Cheeky! smiley - hug

Gotta go get ready for work in a sec....not happy smiley - sadface

Princess is watching you................................BB style

Post 4540


Hallo all smiley - hug

Never any bitching on CB evening shift - we're all hippy lushes smiley - cheers

Carol - stamp duty abolished up to £175k from tmw.
Any cheer there?

smiley - blacksheep

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