This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4581


You been all alone all day cheezy?
smiley - wah

smiley - blacksheep

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4582


Looks like it Popssmiley - winkeye

smiley - fullmoon

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4583

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

i think a new thread needs to be started.

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4584


It's your house Captain.
Just give the orders.
I sometimes feel like a squatter smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4585


Well if someone starts a new thread then point me to it so I dont get left here like no bodys child smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

How is everyone today - I am getting my new old car on Thursday - an 03 Hyundai with a rain roof. Why would you have a sun roof in Ireland when it rains like EVERY DAY smiley - steam

smiley - dragon

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4586

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

This one's pretty long now, i just assumed it would be better to leave before being possibly evicted.

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4587

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Dont tell me people took the hint.

Thank God.

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4588


Duh - where is new one?smiley - erm

I need a hug!!! boo hoo

Post 4589


I am not going anywhere....I like it here!!!!

Morning all and a special smiley - hug for the smiley - pirate

Curry Venue

Post 4590

peasoupdragon You may be interested in this thread there are musings of a possible venue for a convention. We should talk about it WHEN we meet in Manchester which is not long now come to think of it

Curry Venue

Post 4591


Define a convention as opposed to a meeting?

smiley - blacksheep

Curry Venue

Post 4592


I think that its a use of alliteration more than anything.

i.e. Irish Curry Convention sounds better than the lame Irish Curry Meet Up, or Meeting.

I dont know its just the term that gets used.

Will you be coming - we are meeting up in Manchester on October 4th.

smiley - dragon

Curry Venue

Post 4593


That's very kind of you to ask soupy.
I doubt it as it's smack in between 2 holidays and even I have to watch my pennies.
How many typically attend?

And what's the issue with CB at work lately?

smiley - blacksheep

Curry Venue

Post 4594


Its the board in general.

I have to 'discuss' excess messageboarding with one of my staff and feel a bit of hypocrite.

But I think the discussion with my boss was a veiled we know what you did all summer i.e. sit on the board.

Although in fairness I have a lot of work to do at the moment smiley - laugh

smiley - rofl

smiley - dragon

Curry Venue

Post 4595


In that case take care smiley - hug

Curry Venue

Post 4596


Where's smiley - smiley carol?

How are you hun and how was germany?

smiley - blacksheep

Curry Venue

Post 4597


I am smiley - lurking smiley - blacksheep

I still have the lergy.........

Germany was great thanks! Far too much to eat and drink!

Curry Venue

Post 4598


smiley - boing

Curry Venue

Post 4599


Mornin smiley - smiley

smiley - lurk i havn't had a minute lately - W is getting in the way!!

You feeling better yet? smiley - cheerup

smiley - monster x

Curry Venue

Post 4600


Morning smiley - monster

NO!! This blooming germ is smiley - lurk ing much longer than wanted and just doesn't know when to leave!!!!

How are you?

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