This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Dem Men....

Post 3781


Morning smiley - monster

Not bad thanks...and you?

Happy birthday smiley - bubbly

smiley - gift

smiley - cake

smiley - bubbly

smiley - hug

Dem Men....

Post 3782

Devonian Fossil

Ooh, is it your birthday Cheeky? Here you go then

smiley - giftsmiley - bubblysmiley - rose

smiley - cheers

Dem Men....

Post 3783


Morning smiley - cheers

how are you?

Long long power cut here friday morning.......really bu**ered up our completions!!!!!

Dem Men....

Post 3784


Thanks smiley - smiley & smiley - cheers

I got lots on b'day money to spend when i was away shopping yesterday...smiley - biggrin got lots of new clothes, shoes smiley - loveblush and trainers smiley - cool

OH said he's got a surprise for me when i get in 2night too smiley - magic

Only rubbish thing is having to work!! But then at least i get to chat with you guys smiley - hug

Anyone want some of my smiley - cake and i'm sticking with smiley - tea just now.... plenty of time after lunch for smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Thanks again xsmiley - monsterx

Dem Men....

Post 3785


Happy birthday cheeky!
smiley - gift

PSD smiley - hug big time for you when you get back

Dev smiley - hug Looks like we are in for a wet show! OH is knee deep in the mud trying to get the tents up with no Forklift, half the kit missing and 4 guys short! He's not a happy bunny!

Hi smiley - smiley and anyone else coming on

Dem Men....

Post 3786


Helo Dee

Long time.....

smiley - smiley

Dem Men....

Post 3787

Devonian Fossil

Hi Dee, it's sunny here at the moment but it's been absolutely chucking it down most of the weekend, so everywhere is waterlogged. smiley - yikes

I can picture your OH swearing smiley - rofl

smiley - cheers

Dem Men....

Post 3788


Thanks Dee smiley - biggrin

Nealy time to crack open the smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - ale

And of course the smiley - cake

smiley - rofl my work have forgotten smiley - rofl i'm usually on holiday when it's my b'day so they've never really realised when it is smiley - tongueout

xsmiley - monsterx

Dem Men....

Post 3789


smiley - boing


Dem Men....

Post 3790


smiley - boing

smiley - boing

Morning Carol

Dem Men....

Post 3791


Morning Cheezi!

We are the early birds!!!

Hows things with you?

Dem Men....

Post 3792


Not Bad.

Just found a furry friend on the bed, of course he is curled up at my sidesmiley - grr I have to block the bedroom door during the day to stop him from getting in but he keeps finding ways to get insmiley - doh

Got to go to work TTFN

Dem Men....

Post 3793


smiley - run


Dem Men....

Post 3794


Morning All smiley - hug

Had a bank holiday Monday yesterday so went to the beach - all of us smiley - dragonlets smiley - dog Incredible Sulk the lot smiley - laugh.

Really could not get into coming in to work this morning smiley - grr

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3795


Mornin smiley - dragon & smiley - smileycarol

Hope work flies past soupy.... sounds like you had a fun day yesterday! smiley - cool

This week is flying past for me which is strange as it's our last week before 2 glorious weeks of freedom smiley - biggrinsmiley - magic

xsmiley - monsterx

Dem Men....

Post 3796

Devonian Fossil

Morning smiley - somersault

Half way through the week, roll on Friday as I have next week off smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

Dem Men....

Post 3797


Morning smiley - cheers

I am off tomorrow! Going to France for the day....oh I live the high life!!!!

smiley - smiley

Dem Men....

Post 3798

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Morning Carol.

Not that i only turn up for presents, but what you bringin me back... smiley - whistle

Dem Men....

Post 3799


Morning Captain smiley - hug

Now, what would you like???

smiley - winkeye

Dem Men....

Post 3800

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Hmmm, let's see. smiley - whistle

Cheese please.

Well, what did you think i was gonna say! Oh and some frogs legs. Oh and some pork chops, let's see how theirs stand up!

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