This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Dem Men....

Post 3821


smiley - winkeye

I am off to lunch (as opposed to out to lunch) which I beleive has a whole different meaning!

smiley - rofl

See you later

Dem Men....

Post 3822

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Okay Carol, catch ya later!

Dem Men....

Post 3823


I dont believe it take a duvet morning and miss a spat!! smiley - grr

Specially as I knew who it was as she started on the CB yesterday and everyone and I mean everyone ignored her - even Chinch smiley - laugh

Hmmmm maybe she is hacked off coz a house fell on her sister smiley - rofl


smiley - dragon

smiley - coffee? as I am going for a browse and she will incur Wilco's wrath as he said the thread was not to be hijacked and if it was it he was going to consider it trolling and even banable offense

Dem Men....

Post 3824

Devonian Fossil

PSD, you lazy smiley - dragon ! smiley - rofl

Sometimes she is so up herself, let us hope the wrath of Wilco descends smiley - biggrin

Still, I thought I kept my temper admirably!

smiley - cheers

Dem Men....

Post 3825


Afternoon all - i'm gonna have to go have a read now

smiley - dragon how did you manage to get a sleep in?? I really could have done with 1 2day smiley - laugh

xsmiley - monsterx

Dem Men....

Post 3826


Cheeky smiley - monster

I just stuck my head under the duvet and closed my eyes.

The Incredible Sulk woke me up at three am coming to bed and I was awake until half five so I was really just catching up.

Eventually the smiley - dog came in and started messing the duvet and nipping me and barking so had to get up.

And OH came in and opened the black out blind smiley - grr

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3827


smiley - dragon

Quite right - i'd have smiley - wah if OH did that to me!! Then made sure he suffered smiley - devilsmiley - whistlesmiley - biggrin

I could have a nap now if these darn work things would just disappear!!

smiley - monster

Dem Men....

Post 3828


Oh he will suffer believe me smiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3829


That's what i like to hear smiley - dragonsmiley - rofl

smiley - devil me - stirring it smiley - whistle

smiley - monster

Dem Men....

Post 3830


smiley - whistle

Dem Men....

Post 3831


smiley - musicalnote

Dem Men....

Post 3832


Ello smiley - dragon

When my dog was a puppy it really dug up the remains of my old dog.....(she was dead!) She has now dug a trench along the boundary fence under the bushes......that urge to dig never quite goes away!!!!

Dem Men....

Post 3833


Morning All smiley - rofl

Is everyone taking a duvet day or are ye pretending to work smiley - devil

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3834


smiley - dragon

I'm pretending to work - sssssssssssshhhhh don't tell anyone! smiley - winkeye

xsmiley - monsterx

Dem Men....

Post 3835


Ok cheekysmiley - monster I wont tell anyone.

I have done some work this warning already smiley - yikes shouldn't be allowed.

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3836


smiley - rofl me too!! I have to get all my work done & desk cleared up before 2mrw coz i finish up 4 2 weeks hols!! smiley - bubbly

I need more smiley - tea would you like some smiley - dragon

smiley - monster

Dem Men....

Post 3837


Hola smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

What on earth have I missed?????????

We've been really short staffed at work so I haven't been able to get on here and I miss everything.

smiley - dragon got your text last night hun but bloody phone's run out of charge so I couldn't text you back. I'll go and get it from home at lunchtime so I can text back.

Dem Men....

Post 3838


smiley - holly

Thats no problem hun smiley - hug.

Good to see you have managed to get on for a bit - I am on holidays from tomorrow for two weeks smiley - biggrin.

But not going away coz of the - bless her she is to young to put in boarding kennels as she would howl and howl!!

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3839


Lucky you smiley - dragonsmiley - hug off 4 2 weeks, mind you saying that is it really a holiday with smiley - monster at home smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Dev smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug Really sorry to hear your news hun smiley - hug

WTF has Mrs W been up to this time, I've only had a quick min to read back on here smiley - erm

Dem Men....

Post 3840


Morning....its Friday yay!!

Demon child behaved herself yesterday but it was a loooooooong looooong day!!!

How are we going to give Dev a good send off?

smiley - winkeye

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