This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Dem Men....

Post 3841


smiley - smileycarol,

I have been thinking that too - but Dev is not going until September but its funny waving someone off that you have never met smiley - erm.

We will maybe have to have a curry convention in her vicinity and keep in touch with her by email smiley - erm

Could be a possibility!!

I know she doesnae drive but I could fly in locally and pick her up.

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3842


smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3843


Morning smiley - dragon

Oh good thats gives us time to be imaginative!

How are you this morning?

Dem Men....

Post 3844

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Looks like ive missed more than i thought. smiley - whistle

Dem Men....

Post 3845


Morning Captain smiley - winkeye

and how are you today?

smiley - smiley

Dem Men....

Post 3846

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Ah you know, so so!

But then it's Friday so i guess i shouldnt complain! I lay in my bed from half 8 till about quarter past 9 convincing myself that i should get up and go to work. smiley - rofl

How you doin? Did you get my cheese?!

Dem Men....

Post 3847


Morning Capn have you left you smiley - grrface in the the pub!

Dev is being made redundant and finishing in September. She is not expecting to come to Manchester due to distance so we have to be imaginative as smiley - stiffdrink

Dem Men....

Post 3848



Its walking its way to you now!!! smiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3849

Devonian Fossil

31st August acksherly

smiley - cheers

Dem Men....

Post 3850

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Oohh i see i see. Well yeh, virtual leaving party.

And Carol, what about my chops!

Dem Men....

Post 3851



smiley - blush

Dem Men....

Post 3852

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I knew you'd forget!

Women. smiley - whistle

Dem Men....

Post 3853

Devonian Fossil

Oops, that'd be 29th August wouldn't it, 31st is a Sunday smiley - blush

smiley - cheers

Dem Men....

Post 3854


Mornin all smiley - smiley

smiley - monster is over excited 2day smiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersault

Is it too early for smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

smiley - magic

Dem Men....

Post 3855


But I did remember the cheese!!!

29th it is smiley - cheers

smiley - erm

Dem Men....

Post 3856


Dev smiley - hug

We definately have to find somewhere close to you and descend for a good few reall alcohol consumption rather than virtual alcoholsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

Is Bristol near you?

Dem Men....

Post 3857

Devonian Fossil

Could probably do Bristol, yes, but would have to stay overnight. BBT is in Somerset so we could maybe sort out transport and share the cost of a room or something. I think Dee is Bristol way as well!

smiley - cheers

Dem Men....

Post 3858


I can fly Dublin to Bristol on one of the airlines so Bristol sounds good.

Although do we have an email for BBT as she is still in premod.

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3859


Hey hey people! Did I make it over?

Dem Men....

Post 3860

Devonian Fossil

Hey BBT! smiley - hug - I take it you are not in pre-mod over here then? And no 3-minute rule either smiley - biggrin

Choose a smiley for you from the HUGE selection. PSD is smiley - dragon, mine is smiley - cheers, cheekyface is smiley - monster and holly is, of course, smiley - holly. I may have missed some out!

smiley - cheers

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