This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Dem Men....

Post 3761


That's ok smiley - holly

How rude of me.... mornin Dev (i didn't see you there earlier) smiley - sorry

I can't wait for 5pm 2day!! After i've been to the gym it's straight home for curry & smiley - stiffdrink followed by a few more smiley - stiffdrinks while clearing out my wardrobe & planning a shopping day on sunday to spend my b'day money!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - magicsmiley - biggrin

smiley - monster

Dem Men....

Post 3762

Devonian Fossil

Morning smiley - holly and smiley - monster

Having to work smiley - grr

smiley - cheers

Dem Men....

Post 3763


smiley - dragonsmiley - hug

I saw your message earlier and was just composing my response when the power went off....its only just come back on! Thought I was going to get sent home!!!!

You sound like you are doing the right thing so far. Hope you get an early appointment at the hospital. In the meantime smiley - hug we are all here for you

smiley - smiley

Dem Men....

Post 3764


Thanks smiley - smileycarol and everyone for all the smiley - hugs and support.

I really do appreciate them. Its just a bit of shock that its my little boy - but now everything is falling into place and hopefully when we start on whatever treatment it will get easier at home.

That reminds me I have to phone the glazier and get the window fixed that he broke last week smiley - grr

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3765


Hey big sis smiley - hug how's you?

smiley - monster x

Dem Men....

Post 3766


Hi smiley - monster

Having a difficult day after a prolonged power cut but its friday and I am looking forward to the weekend!!

Hows you??

Dem Men....

Post 3767


Just been home and the house is a kip.

The dog cwapped in son's room after biting him because he teased her with a custard cream.

My daughter is on chores strike which I am not sure what that means as she never does her chores anywear and I am having a nervous breakdown.

Think its time for a smiley - stiffdrink anyone care to join me!!!! smiley - devil

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3768


smiley - stiffdrink

I think you are going to need a few of those smiley - dragon over the coming fortnight!!!

smiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3769


smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

Anyone care to join me for some smiley - bubbly i'm going birthday shopping on Sunday smiley - biggrin it's my b'day on Monday but i'm working so celebrating on sat/sun...... i celebrate my b'day over a weekend usually!! smiley - bubblysmiley - cake

xsmiley - monsterx

Dem Men....

Post 3770


Yep Little smiley - monster I will join you in one (or three) of those!!

smiley - bubbly

and a very happy birthday to you.

Where is dad taking you???

smiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3771


Happy Birthday smiley - monster

Birthday weekendfest - sounds like my cup of smiley - tea

Dem Men....

Post 3772


Oooooooh good point big sis (what's your smiley?)smiley - erm

I can't wait!!!! smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Shopping, shopping, shopping, pizza express for lunch (coz we lurve it!) and a couple of glasses of vino!! smiley - biggrin

Dem Men....

Post 3773


smiley - monster

Are you going up to Edinburgh for the Shopping or somewhere like the Gyle?

We always have to go to the Big W near Asda as my kids are Woolies mad smiley - laugh You don't get Woolies over here and they love it smiley - laugh

Children with exquisite taste smiley - erm
smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3774



I am

smiley - smiley

of course!!!!

Dem Men....

Post 3775


smiley - hug

smiley - smileycarol

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3776


We're just gonna head to Livingston this weekend.... if i don't have any success i'll head further afield next weekend!! smiley - rofl

smiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

I can't wait - i'm such a big kid & get soooooooo excited at my b'day!!!smiley - biggrin

I havn't however worked on my b'day for years though so need you guys to keep me hyper on Monday!! smiley - cool

xsmiley - monsterx

Dem Men....

Post 3777


I am off on a bank holiday weekend on Monday so have a good day smiley - bubbly

I love the shopping centre in Livingston - used to get taken there as a wee treat and always got lovely things there.

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3778


Thanks smiley - dragon you have a great weekend too smiley - hugsmiley - bubbly x

Of course smiley - smileycarol smiley - doh

xsmiley - monsterx

Dem Men....

Post 3779


Morning smiley - hug

Wakey wakey you 'orrible lot!!!

smiley - boing

Dem Men....

Post 3780


Mornin smiley - smiley big sis!!

Good weekend?

xsmiley - monsterx

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