This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Dem Men....

Post 3721

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

smiley - rofl Sorry psd, only jokin... sort of. smiley - whistle

Me on the naughty step, Holly, never, im far too nice.smiley - blush

Dem Men....

Post 3722


Working too!

I am being kind and thougtful not putting a piccie up!

(hides the fact that I don't actually have a recent one)

Dem Men....

Post 3723

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Carol, that's what cameras are for smiley - tongueout I thought your son sorted one out for ya, about 6 months ago. smiley - whistle

Dem Men....

Post 3724


smiley - smileycarol I am sure your piccie will be lovely smiley - hug

Morning smiley - holly good to see you keeping up the good work with the smiley - hangover.

The smiley - dog is barking mad smiley - laugh totally untrainable and wont listen to a word anyone tells her. Cant think where she gets that from smiley - whistle

Was up at 7 to walk her in the hissing rain - by walking mean accross the road to a field stand in the middle and watch her run round and round. Well she is a husky smiley - laugh

smiley - pirate watch it smiley - grr

Dem Men....

Post 3725


I know Captain! I do have one but no-one takes pictures of me!!!!!

smiley - holly I have just been on FB.....who is the lady in the black undies in the Kitchen????

(down Captain)

Dem Men....

Post 3726


I cant access FB from here smiley - steam

Dem Men....

Post 3727

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Too late Carol. smiley - whistle

Dem Men....

Post 3728




smiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3729


smiley - dragonsmiley - rofl I've got visions of you stood there in rain 1st thing in the morning with your pj's and slippers on while the smiley - dog runs round smiley - rofl I don't know where I've got that pic from, must be the fact that I would not get dressed at that time in the morn smiley - rofl

smiley - smiley That's my sister, have you seen the state of her eyes and she's telling me this morning that she wasn't drunk smiley - erm I told her to look at the photo of herself smiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3730

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I think i'll be booking the rest of the day off just to go check out these photos.smiley - rofl

Holly make sure i dont have to wait too long for yours. smiley - whistle

Dem Men....

Post 3731


smiley - holly for once I was dressed but only coz it was raining.

Cap'n smiley - laugh

Dem Men....

Post 3732


Captain smiley - rofl

The one in the kitchen is my sister and the one in next to nothing in the lounge is one of my best friends, just so you know who they are.

Doby (sister) is uploading the rest of them tonight smiley - blush

Dem Men....

Post 3733

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Psd! It's just a healthy interest in new fashion!

Dem Men....

Post 3734


I've heard it all now smiley - doh

smiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3735

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Holly, i was planning on goin out tonight, well, this afternoon, but i think i'll sit around pressing F5 until i see the pics on your page. smiley - whistle

Dem Men....

Post 3736



what have I started!!

Watch out if the Captain goes missing later!!

Dem Men....

Post 3737



I meant to type

smiley - rofl

oh dear!

Dem Men....

Post 3738

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Carol, ive already checked the train times to Manchester. smiley - whistle

Dem Men....

Post 3739


smiley - rofl

smiley - smiley How fuzzy are they!!! And she wasn't drunk smiley - erm

Captain watch you don't get finger strain with the F5 button smiley - winkeye

Dem Men....

Post 3740


smiley - rofl

I shall look forward to seeing the others!!!

(so will the Captain I am sure!!)

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