This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Dem Men....

Post 3741

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Dont you worry, holly, my fingers are well trained and up to the task. smiley - tongueout

Dem Men....

Post 3742


Tchnical point for a numpty....

What does the F5 button do?

Dem Men....

Post 3743

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Press it now and see!

Dem Men....

Post 3744


smiley - rofl Captain smiley - blush

smiley - smiley it refreshs the page hun.

Dem Men....

Post 3745


Thank you smiley - holly

Captain thats cruel!!!
Its like putting someone in a round room and telling them to sit in the corner!!!!!

smiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3746


Just pressed F5 but actually hit the button and my post went AWOL

I usually hit the button with the two arrows to refresh but there you go.

Question about H2G2 when I come into this page I have two half - one side the messages the other side a list of who posted.

How do I get rid of the list I cant work it out? its only done this since the page went from blue to technicolor.

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3747


Dont worry went into preferences and worked it out myself smiley - geeksmiley - smiley

Dem Men....

Post 3748


You're all pervs

Dem Men....

Post 3749

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Am not!

Get ya kit off.

Oh i see.

Dem Men....

Post 3750


smiley - run

Dem Men....

Post 3751


smiley - lurk

Dem Men....

Post 3752


Hiya smiley - divasmiley - hug

Perv's smiley - whistlesmiley - whistlesmiley - whistle

Who us?

Oh you mean Captain smiley - winkeye

smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3753


I forgot to say Hi Prints smiley - diva or you prefer this one dont you smiley - surfer

Booti was on the chatterbox earlier she seems in good form.

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3754


Morning All smiley - hugsmiley - smiley

Its hissing down over here and it looks like it will be like this all over the bank holiday weekend.

So I am stuck inside with two bored children, bored Incredible Sulk and bored puppy smiley - yikes

Not feeling the best today had the dragonlets at the GP yesterday and son has been initially diagnosed as ADHD Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder. All the time we thought he was a smiley - monster.

So he is on an emergency referral to the local hosp and I have to wait a maximum of four weeks for an appointment.

SO feeling a bit bewildered by it but relieved in a way that I am not really a bad parent. Which of course I am not smiley - erm

Fiona x

Dem Men....

Post 3755


Fi smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

You are NOT a bad parent hun smiley - hug I remeber when my eldest daughter got diagnosed with epilepsy I blamed myself thinking was it something I did when I was pregnant and of course that's not the case at all. It's just one of those things that life sends our way to try us. At the end of the day hun things like this make you stronger.

That won't make you feel any better at the moment hun but you know you've got friends that love and care for you and we'll be here for the bad times as well as the good times smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

Dem Men....

Post 3756


smiley - dragonsmiley - hug for you.... hope you get things sorted out hun...

It's chucking down here too smiley - grr it better be nice 2mrw mornin as we're taking mum to her 1st farmers market & she's been really looking forward to it! smiley - erm we'll still go like but it's just not the same cowering under brollies!!

Found this for you too soupy smiley - cheerupsmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - tea

Love smiley - monster xx

Dem Men....

Post 3757


Thanks folks smiley - hug

Its just a bewildering array of emotions that are going through the both of us at the moment.

The one thing that we have agreed though is that we are going to change nothing at the moment until we see the specialist. That changing our parenting and making allowances will not do him any good so to just keep going.

He is still my little boy and that is the most important thing.

Thanks folks smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - peacedove

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3758

Devonian Fossil

Fee, don't worry too much hun, I know a few lads with it and one of them has a prescription for Ritalin, which has actually worked very well, so don't believe ALL the horror stories you hear. If you want to talk about it, you have my e-mail, and you know the nightmares I've had with Son of Dev smiley - monster - turns out he's ADHD and no-one diagnosed it until now, when it's too late (he's 16 and that counts as adult mental health, which is a whole different and very very scary ball game smiley - erm)

Always here for you hun smiley - hug

smiley - cheers

Dem Men....

Post 3759


Glad the smiley - hugs helped smiley - dragon

Mornin smiley - hollysmiley - hug incase you felt left out!! smiley - rofl

What's everyone got planned for the weekend??

smiley - monster x

Dem Men....

Post 3760


Sorry smiley - monster morning hun smiley - hug

Work got in the way smiley - grr

Morning Dev smiley - hug

Roll on 5pm smiley - rofl

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